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July 1st
7 months later.

The boys graduated junior year and Zach was way more sick.

His pregnant definitely wasn't a good one.

It's summer time and not to mention jacks birthday.

He's 17.

They were having the party at the Stanford house.

Everyone was there.

The Herron family.

Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah.
And eben.
The new member of the group not to mention Jonah's boyfriend.
Surprisingly Jonah is Bisexual.

Everyone had just got there and jack was setting outside with none other than Zach.

"How are you feeling baby" jack asked

"I'm okay. This child is gonna kill me with how much it kicks." Zach said and jack laughed.

"Here feel it" zach said placing jacks hand on his stomach.

"Wow. We actually created that" jack said and Zach smiled

"We did" zach said

Corbyn walked outside and saw the cuteness.

He took a picture and sent it to Kristen and myta.

They were in a gc along with Daniel and everyone else. Dedicated to cute scenarios the couple done for a project they were planning on giving them later on.

"Hey guys" corbyn said

"Hey bean" jack said and corbyn sat down.

"You guys ready for cake" corbyn asked

"Um always" zach said and they laughed

The 3 got up and headed inside to the party.

Once they got in there they started to sing Happy Birthday.

Afterwards they had cake and finished the party.

(Time skip)
<jacks bed>

Zach stayed over and the couple was just laying in jacks bed.

"Zach" jack said

"Yeah baby" zach responded.

"You know how love bug is boy. And how we haven't got a name yet?" Jack said

"Yeah. Why?" He asked

"Well I was thinking and I thought of a name." Jack said

"Okay. What is it"zach asked

"Well it's nothing special but Lucas Bleu" jack said and Zach smiled.

"That's so adorable I love it" zach said and jack smiled.

"Well blue is the color of the ice cream you ate on our first date. You asked me if you had any of it on your face and I said no right before we kissed. But his middle name is spelt B.L.E.U. Because it's different. It's unique and special. And I chose Lucas because it's an acronym. L, love. U, unique. C, courage. A, astonishing. S, success. I want our baby to be amazing and confident and be proud of who he is. Sure we didn't think we would have him but I damn well am happy we do." Jack said and Zach was already crying.

"Jack you said his name wasn't much but it's everything. You are an amazing father Jack Robert Avery" zach said and they both smiled and kissed then they cuddled and fell asleep.

Lucas Bleu Avery is gonna be born into an amazing family.

Kristin thought to herself she was standing outside the bedroom door when she heard the conversation.

She was so proud of her son.

Short chapter.
Long one coming very very soon

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