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June 16th

Jack had woke up at 7:30 AM he got Lucas ready in some shorts and a shirt. Then he got dressed.

Zach woke up and got dressed to. It was 8:00 AM.

"Jack are you hungry I can make something" zach said as they were sat down stairs.

"Sure but I got to fix Lucas some food to" jack said and Zach headed to the kitchen

"I can make him a bottle" zach said and jack laughed

"Zach he's almost two. He can eat Cheerios his puffs and some mashed food. I'm also transitioning him from a bottle to a cup. He only drinks milk before bed." Jack said and Zach nodded.

Zach was ashamed of himself. He didn't even know what his child could eat.

"I'll make us some pancakes. Okay?" Zach asked and jack nodded while making Lucas some food.

After they ate they headed out.

"So where are we going to go" zach asked once they got in the car.

"It's up to you. Where ever you wanna go zach" jack said pulling out of the drive way.

"Well can we go to the mall...I can buy Lucas some stuff and then later we can go to park." Zach said and jack nodded.

"Okay that's fine." Jack said and they turned on the radio.

One of Zach's songs came on.

Words I didn't Say.

"I lie here awake, thinking of all the games I played. I let you wait, hundreds of promises that I (I never made), I fell forever in a day (till you walked away), because of the words I didn't say."

"Zach" jack said.

Zach was humming along to his song.

"Hmm" zach said tears brimming his eyes.

"Did you write any songs about me? I know that's weird but I feel like you did" jack asked him

"Yes. I wrote almost all of the 8 letters album about you. Some songs on my invitation ep. I was at home when I wrote the Only the Beginning ep. whydontwe just ep I wrote at the studio but it's nothing important and the something different ep ain't really important either." Zach said and jack noticed he was nervous.

"Zach you ramble when your nervous. What's wrong" jack asked him

"I'm afraid I'm going to mess up. I used to be a good dad. And then I leave and come back and everything is different. Lucas is different and so are you." Zach said and jack laid a hand on top of Zach's.

"Zach it'll be okay. You aren't going to mess up it's hard at first trust me I know. My first night at the apartment alone was terrifying I had to call corbyn to come over and help Me" jack said and Zach nodded.

"Okay. Well we're here let's go in" zach said and they got Lucas out of the car seat and headed inside.

As they walked inside zach and jack had one of Lucas hands.

The picked him and swung him back and forth in a joyful manner.

The ex boyfriends were both laughing and having a good time until a flash was heard.

Jack grabbed Lucas and picked him up.

"Zach I swear if Lucas's face u splattered all over social media im going to kill you." Jack said and they ran inside.

They headed to the bathroom to talk quickly.

"Jack I'm sorry I forgot about the paparazzi. If anything they didn't get a good picture it'll be okay jack" Zach said.

Jack and Zach headed back out into the mall and headed to the baby stores.

Zach picked out a cute dress type shirt with some skinny jeans.

"I swear Zach your trying to dress him now you did back in highschool" jack said laughing

"Hey my boy needs some style. You little jeans and shirt is cute but he needs the girls okay" zach said and they laughed

Zach bought a couple outfits and a little bear for Lucas.

"Lucas what are you going to name him" jack asked

"How about chubs Lucas" zach asked

"Yeth chubs" lucas said and the boys smiled.

If only they knew how many pictures were being taken.

After they left the mall they headed to the park.

Once they got there jack sat on the bench and Zach took Lucas to the swings.

Jack took a Instagram video for his story of the two and posted it.

He knew Zach's fans would see but he wanted to remember it for him.

"Jack come over here with us" zach said and jack did.

It was like they were a family again.

Jack was enjoying it.

But he was afraid Zach would leave again and this time it would hurt Lucas.

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