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Time skip
August 7th
Senior year.

The boys were at school.
It's there 1st day back.

Zach was SUPER pregnant.

He was due in around a month.
September 30th to be exact.

Zach was wearing maternity joggers. Slides. And an oversized hoodie.

Everyone knew about his pregnancy and they didn't say nothing about it. At first they did but they don't care anymore.


Jack walked into school with his boyfriend.
He was carrying his and Zach's things.

"Hey jack let me help you" corbyn said walking over to them

Jack handed him Zach's things and he put them in his locker for him.

"Damn zach your huge" eben said

Zach started to tear up.

"Pregnancy hormones" jack whispered to them once he saw ebens face.

"Hey Zachy it's fine I was joking" eben said

"I- I know" zach said

"Well uh what classes do y'all have" Jonah asked

They showed there classes and then went to class.

Jack had made sure he had all of his with Zach considering the circumstances.

Daniel follows the 2 since they and 1st class together.

(Time skip)

At lunch jack didn't eat and instead gave his food to Zach.

They were having pizza and Zach loves pizza.

He craves it all the time.

Everyone was having a normal conversation until Zach gasped.

"J-jack" zach said

"Yeah baby what's wrong" he asked

"I think my water just broke" zach said

Jack stood up fastly and helped his boyfriend up.

"I'll go get the nurse" Daniel said

The nurse came and told corbyn to call 911.

"Yes um we need an ambulance at (address) please hurry my friend is having a baby. Yes he's 17 HURRY" corbyn said and hung up.

"Guys this baby may come sooner than later" the nurse said

Everyone had cleared out of the cafeteria and it was just the friend group.

"Zach baby breathe" jack said as he held onto his boyfriends hand.

"It's hurts" zach cried

"I know baby I know but you got to be strong for Lucas okay" jack said and Zach nodded

"Wait you have a name" corbyn asked

"Yeah. Lucas Bleu" jack said and everyone awed

The ambulance pulled up and took jack and Zach to the hospital.

"We will be there soon" Jonah stated and Jonah, eben, Daniel, corbyn got into his car.

Once they got to the hospital the Herrons and Stanford's were there too.

Corbyn called them.

They took Zach back and jack stayed up front until he could go.

"Momma what if something happens" jack said

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