Chapter 2: Mission Accomplished

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Jesse Pov:

"-Oh...uh Jesse those letters were indeed sent by Genesis."

I nod and Sylvia quickly hands me back the letters I had gave her earlier.

Slowly taking it out of her hand, I notice a small smile tugging at her lips.

I stuff the letters in my inventory and return the small sincere smile.

A feet tapping against metal catches my attention and my head whips over to the source.

"...Yeah this is it alright," Sylvie mumbles, harshly prying the storm drain open and taking a swift step first.

"Ladies first," Sylvie says with a slight bow, a soft smile curling across her lips.

Sylvia approaches her sibling and Petra goes down the storm drain first.

"You are a lady Silly." Sylvia says in amusement, playfully punching her sister's shoulder.

I peer over the storm drain before carefully taking the ladder down. My grip on the two rails loosens and I jump off the ladder, stumbling a bit.

I take in my surroundings. The tunnels were huge and proably wide enough to fit over 100 people.

The soft clanging of metal buzzes in my ears and my eye's trail upwards and I see Sylvie putting the storm drain back in place.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road," Sylvie says, beginning to guide us down the large tunnel.

"Sylvie, you are the show," Sylvia says quietly, shaking her head, her arms crossed over her torso.

I find it funny how their were arguing only a couple hours ago and now their playfully slapping each others shoulders and joking. Guess they don't hold grudges against the other.

"Pshhh...," Sylvia muttered, chukling quietly. Petra glances at me and I can tell she's holding back laughter.

A smile curls across my lips and sudden footsteps running above us makes my breath cease and my smile fade.

As soon as they pass Sylvie continues walking down the tunnel, everyone else closely pursuiting.

Our footsteps echo off the walls and all of our walking paces quicken.

We reach the end of the tunnel and Sylvia turns to Petra and I. "Their probably isn't a lot of guards out right now. Just thought I'd let you know."

Petra and I nod and Sylvia rests her hand on her hip, watching as Sylvie opens the wooden trapdoor.

Everything became deathly silent, expect for the soft creaking of wood.

Sylvie presumes climbing up and hauls herself over the trapdoor.

Sylvia was hasty, but quiet as she climbed up. Petra then swiftly scrambled up the ladder, the metal rattling softly.

With no time to watse, I climb up the ladder. I'm unable to feel the metal, but still I somehow manage to climb and hoist myself up.

I'm met with glimmering dark brown eyes and Petra gestures me to follow her.

I quietly sprint with her until I'm around a small corner.

Sylvia....or Sylvie is crouching while the other is busy unscrewing a vent. My breathing dimishes as my eye's catch those of a tall curly haired woman. Lucky enough for me her head didn't whip around in this direction and she was infact walking in the opposite direction of me.

I resist the great temptation to release a sigh of relief and the soft clang of metal makes my head whip around. I silently watch as Sylvie takes down the vent and places it against a wall.

Sylvia goes in first, her sister hauling her up. Then Sylvie hauls up Petra by her left foot and she crawls into the wide vent.

Sylvie then hoists me up and I push myself further into the vent as I climb in.

I use my elbows to help me crawl through the wide vent. A small click sound comes from behind me and also a small amount of shuffling behind me.

We all start crawling through the vent and for a go straight for awhile.

It wasn't long before we came to a sudden stop.

"Hang on....just gotta unscrew this..." Sylvia mutters.

A small object was in Sylvia's hand and it was most likely a screwdriver.

The soft jingling of bolts loosening hum in my ear and I shift slightly.

Less than a second later, the vent comes off and Sylvia catouisly climbs down the aperture.

Then Petra quietly climbs down and then I carefully descend aswell.

I land on the ground safely, taking a few steps backwards. Slowly turning around, I'm met with hundreds of computers and a huge display monitor on the wall.

My gaze turns to Sylvia who's already busy on a certain computer in the front of the room, her fingers typing away.

My head whips around to Petra, who was standing by two large wooden doors. Occasionally she would lean over and peer out the wooden, her golden sword drawn.

I walk over to her and her head turns to me and she relaxes slightly.

"What information do you think their getting?" I whisper in a hushed tone.

Petra shrugs and says quietly, "Could be anything. I just hope it'll give us an advantage when we actually strike again."

"Me too," I say with a nod before silently turning around and quietly adding, "Me too..."

I walk over to the twins, both of their gazes locked on the computer screen. They were mumbling something, so quietly that it was bascially impossible for me to here.

One of the twins glance at me for a moment and gaze at me with warm glimmering sapphire eyes. "We're almost done here Jesse."

Slowly I nod, taking a small step backwards. My eyes trail over the screen and precouis information runs before my eyes.

We'll have loads of information now! This plan was well thought of and everyone in this room deserves a pat on the back for this.

"-Wait, weren't we gonna do something else...," I whisper, the words on the tip of my tongue.

The twin closest to me turns halfway and mutters, "Ya..., but it was way too risky, so we're not going through with it anymore."

I nod and she continues, "Oh...and Jesse forget what I said earlier."

"Ok," The words slip naturally out of my mouth and my eyes trail over the fancy interior.

She glances back at the computer and less than a second later voices are heard and footsteps echo off of the walls.

Everyone freezes and my rapid heartbeat hums loudly in my ear.

The footsteps slowly fade and the soft reverberating laughter dies out. Silence floods the room again for a few moments. Exhaling slowly, my eyes quickly scan the room.

One of the twins turns around and smiles brightly, her voice barely above a whisper, "Alright mission accomplished. Now, let's get the heck out of here!"


I shall explain. .-.

So this is only chapter two not chapter 6. I'm doing it differently this time so yeah!

So whenever there's a new chapter I'll put the chapter (#) on the title. 👌 .-.

Alright ✌

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