Chapter - 1

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"Swara Bose name to suna hi hoga if No ! then let me tell you
She is fearless lioness and obviously she will be.
Well People say every girl's idol is her father but my case is different.
My Idol is Swara Bose. Despite of troubling her this much she never complains. She teaches me to stand strong and calls me her little angel that is the reason I do not miss Papa. Well we Girl's Gang are enough for each other.

Today again she was called in School by Principal . No No don't think that I did any mischief , I am Very Innocent Girl.. I had just beaten my senior who was trying to tease me and had thrown my lunch box. But unfortunately that boy was son of one of our teacher. But luckily I got saved because of Swara Bose and of course because of my Reputation.

And here I have to end my today's Bak- Bak before she comes.( She closed her book and kept in the beg.) Oh shit she is gonna come ,

"Sonu. You are still writing. Come now. It's your bed time." A lady walked in the room with a glass of milk in a simple night suit.

"Shona Darling, why you want to torture this little soul. Show some mercy on me. I am only Six year old and you are giving me this yucky milk." She jumped over the bed while making faces.

"Sonu , how many times I have told you not to call me by my name but no you are never gonna change ( she shows her full teeth😂). Now finish this milk and No more drama." Shona handed over her glass of milk while glaring.

"Okay. Mother India. But from tomorrow kindly add more chocos in this or else I will throw it in the been." She drank milk in one go while Shona just chuckled seeing her drama.

"Now sleep, you have school tomorrow." Shona covered her with comforter then lied beside her after switching off the lamp.

After Sometime

Sonu came out from comforter slowly and checked beside if Shona is sleeping or not. She get off the bed after confirming then moved towards her study table and switched on the light lamp. She took out that book and again started writing ,

"I know what you all must be thinking that I did this much Bak-Bak and did not even introduce myself.
So , here I am presenting myself ,

Hi , I am Sanjeeda Swara Bose.
Shocked ! Right?

Yes , Swara Bose. She is my mother and father both. We have two more member in our family that is my chhoti Dida ( Swara's Mother ) and Badi Dida ( Swara's Dida ). We have small and happy family. We all do Lots of masti together because my Badi Dida is same like me naughty cute and sweet.

Oh Shit ! Again I forgot. I have to run.." She closed book and kept it in the beg then ran from there in a jet speed.

In Kitchen

One lady was roaming here and there while murmuring something.

"I told her to be on time but No. What she must be doing 😕. Durga Ma help her to reach here on time." She looked upwards with closed eyes while praying but suddenly felt someone was pulling her night gown so she looked down and sighed in relief.

"Sonuuuuu." Dida gritted teeth while glaring her.

"Aww My Darling Dida , stop glaring and shouting because I know my name very well. If your grand daughter wakes up then she will brings Tsunami here." Sonu adjusted herself on small stool and snatched Ice Cream tub from Dida and started eating. Dida was looking at her with opened mouth and wide eyes.

"My Sweet Dida now close your mouth or else I will not share Ice Cream. By the way your Grand daughter is having magic in her hands. Its so yummmyyyy." Sonu said while licking her lips.

"Sonu, that's cheating. Here I was waiting for you and here when You came you started eating without even asking me." Dida said while making faces and sat beside her her on another stool.

"Dida please , stop acting innocent. I know you must have finished one tub already. So , keep quite if you don't want me to tell this to your daughter and grand daughter." Sonu threatened her in her innocent voice.

"And what if her grand daughter already knows what her very innocent daughter is doing." A voice came out of some where.
Dida and Sonu looked in the direction from where the voice came and found Swara was standing there with crossed Hands.

Spoon fell from Sonu's hand and she passed the tub to Dida. She came near Swara and gave her a tight smile 😂.

"Mumma, see your Dida was forcing me to eat ice cream. I told her No , that's cheating but still. Sonu said with sugar coated voice while dida was looking at her with shocked expression.

"And you think , I believe you. " Swara asked raising eye brow.

"Sorry Mumma." Sonu whispered and looked down.

"Aww My Baby. You know naa Dida is just now recovered from cold and if you will support her in eating ice cream she will again fall ill. " Swara picked Sonu up in her arms and came towards dida.

"Dida , I will change your diet plan if you again eat ice cream like this. " Swara said and left taking Sonu in her arms while Sonu showed her tongue to Dida.

Dida just shook her head with smile.

Next Day

Dining Area

Sonu is sitting on chair while tapping spoon on plate continuously.

"Dida , hurry up. Rates are dancing in my stomach. Bring food." Sonu Shouted being impatient.

"Coming Sonu." Sharmishta came out from kitchen with food bowls.

"Bye the way , where is your Mumma." Dida asked .

"I am here everyone. Good Morning Maa and Dida. "Swara came dressed in long black skirt with white shirt looking absolutely cute and sat on chair after wishing everyone.

"Maa , did you give advertisement in news paper. "Swara asked while giving food plate to Sonu.

"Yes Shona , I had given and yesterday night only I got call from one lady for asking room on rent so I said yes. She will come tomorrow with her son." Sharmishta replied.

"Okay Maa. We will meet them tomorrow and I will investigate about them too.(To Sonu) Sonu finish your food fast we are getting late for your school.
(To Maa) Maa, you too get ready , I will clean the table."Swara said.

"Offo , Shona Darling stop ordering at least for now and let me enjoy my meal."Sonu Shouted while Sharmishta and Dida giggled listening her.

"Sonuuuuuu." Swara glared her.

"Shona stop glaring her. She is your blood only then obviously she will learns all your antiques like you used to call your Maa as Mishti." Dida supported Sonu and gave hi-fi to each other.

"Didaaaa. I still call her Mishti only Haina Mishti." Swara said and winked at Sharmishta.

"Like Mother Like Daughter 😄." And all bursted out in a laughter 😂😂😂😂😂😂..

After sometime they all got ready to leave for their respective works.

At School

"Sonu , Don't trouble your Chhoti Dida much and do less Masti. Ok !!"Swara Instructed Sonu while correcting her hair band.

"Okay , Mother India , I won't trouble her . I Promise ."Sonu said while pinching her throat and left kissing her chicks.

Swara smiled at her cute antiques and left for her work.

To be continued.......

Here ,
I present my New story.
I hope I made less mistakes 😄.
Sorry for making you all bore and

"Sanskar ke liye abhi Time hai."

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