Chapter - 3

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"It was a very pleasant evening.
One side birds were returning to their home happily and other side sun was all ready to set.
Birds chirping voice and sunset were enough to soothe anyone's stressed mind and heart.

One Girl was sitting near a lake admiring nature's beautiful view but her admiration was broken because of someone's voice.

"Hey, Teddy." Someone called.

That girl turned towards voice to witness a boy who was panting heavily like he ran a marathon. She frowned seeing him then smiled brightly. He came near her and sat beside her while glaring.

"Seems like you have completed a marathon successfully. I am proud of you BROWNIE." She said with a chirpy voice and patted his back but he was glaring her continuously.

"What are you doing here when all are enjoying after their last exam this madam came here to enjoy nature's view." He said while making faces then threw one small stone in lake which he found nearby him.

She chuckled listening him,
"It is soothing heart and mind Brownie. We can release our stress of these many days of exams by admiring this view. Just see how happily birds are returning to their home. The sun is setting and it's reflection in water. It's just so beautiful."

He was listening to her talks silently while admiring.

"Now if you have released your stress then can we go back to bid bye our classmates." He said suddenly changing topic.

"Why are you in this much hurry to bid bye Brownie." She said while making faces.

"First of all God knows why you gave me this name Brownie and I'm not in hurry to bid bye." He said and again threw stone in the water.

"It suits you. I mean look at your hairs and eyes, completely brown and of course you are brownie lover. So it's perfect." She said with smile.

He smiled at her then they became silent for sometime enjoying weather.

"Will we meet in future?" He asked suddenly with urge of knowing her answer and kept looking at her.

"I don't know." She said when she herself didn't know.

He just hummed in response turning his gaze again towards lake.

"Let's Go." She said and stood up to go but he resisted this time,

"No (she frowned), First give me my brownie which you brought." He said extending his right hand.

"Nope ( he glared) you were already eating it while exams so now no brownie. Let's go." She said and showed him tongue.

"Cheater, it's last time No. Then who will ask you for brownie from tomorrow? " He tried to emotional blackmail her but he himself was not liking to give this reason.

"Okay. Take this." She said then took out his brownie and handed over him.

He happily took it then both ate it while sharing.

"Now , Let's Go." He said while cleaning his mouth with hanky.

"You go I'm coming. Bye." She bided him bye.

"Okay. Come soon." He said and stood up to go and started going but stopped in his track turning towards her ,

"Come soon."
She smiled at him and nodded in yes but he was not smiling. His face was showing something else.
He ..............."

"Mumma, why are you standing so lost?"

Swara suddenly came out from her memory lane and looked at her surrounding. Her gaze again stopped at that man who was standing behind his mother holding his puppy close to his heart.

"Sanskaar." Swara could only utter this word still looking at him shocking expression.

Sanskaar immediately turned his gaze from puppy to Swara listening his name from her mouth but he averted his gaze.

"Mumma Puppy, that puppy is so cute no. I wanna touch it." Sonu again called Swara and went to Sanskaar.

Sonu held the corner of his shirt and asked him to bend down to match her height. He frowned first but later did as what she said.

"Can I hold your puppy , Please?" Sonu asked blinking her eyes rapidly.

He held puppy more tightly listening her but then looked at her face which was showing only innocence then how could anyone refuse her.

He extended puppy towards Sonu and she took it very excitedly.

"Mumma see puppy is so whitish and see his fur. So cute no just like me." Sonu's eyes were beaming with joy while she was caressing fur of puppy.

Swara was looking them still with blank expression and others just smiled hearing her.

"Hey, what is your name?" Sonu asked him with twinkling eyes.

"My name is Sanskaar." He replied with slow and childish voice.

"Wow, it's very beautiful name and my name is Sanjeeda but you can call me Sonu." Sonu said happily extending her hand to him.


Sonu's face fell listening his no but what he said next made her very happy.

"Hey, don't be sad. I mean I will call you Gudiya not Sonu because you are looking very cute just like a doll in this frock and with this beautiful hair band." Sanskaar said with smile and pulled her chicks.

"Sanskaar, come I will show you room. Have some rest." His mother told him then took him to room.

In the hall

"Maa don't you think there is something strange with Sanskaar?" Shomi asked suddenly after nothing his behaviour.

"Yes shomi, you are right. I too felt something strange. ( to swara) Swara do you know Sanskaar from before? You took his name." Dida asked shaking Swara a little.

" Haa dida. Woh no nothing. I don't know him." Swara replied with blank expression.

"Okay." Dida said shrugging her shoulders.

"Gudiya ( all looked at her suddenly listening Gudiya) I mean Sonu , let's go you are getting late for school. Maa you too come." Swara said and walked out from there hanging her beg on shoulder.

Sonu and Shomi too followed her while Dida left to complete her kitchen work.

Swara dropped shomi and sonu in school then left to her college( forgot to mention Swara is Professor ). She was sitting in her classroom thinking something very deeply,

"What happened to him. Dida and Maa were right there is something strange with his behaviour. Didn't he recognise me but he looked at me when I called his name then why didn't he talk to me. Has he forgotten me but he talked with sonu sweetly. But why he and his mom want to live as p.g..
Arghhhh. Swara Bose stop thinking all this before you go mad."

Then she resumed her work keeping away every thoughts from her mind.......

To be continued.......

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