Chapter - 6

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After Swara left to the room Sujata and Shomi looked at each other but again turned their face to other side. Dida looked at them with impossible look and she too left from there.

"I'm sorry Sujata jii. I was angry therefore I spoke rudely with you which was absolutely wrong."Shomi apologised looking down feeling guilty on her behaviour on which Sujata looked at her.

"I'm sorry too Sharmishta jii. I should have also not spoken all those things." Sujata too apologised coming towards her on which both shared a small smile.

"We both are concerned for our children." Shomi said on which Sujata nodded in yes.

"It will never happen in future." Sujata said keeping her hand on Shomi's shoulder on which she nodded with smile.

Standing in the corner Swara was listening everything silently. She sighed heavily seeing their patch up with a small smile and left to her room taking Sonu.

In the room

Swara was sitting on the bed with closed eyes while caressing hairs of sleeping Sonu.

"Teddy, what you brought in lunch today?" He asked her poking pen while she was busy in listening the lecture with full concentration therefore she didn't answer him.

"Teddy tell naa ???" He asked again but when she didn't reply he pinched her arm on which she glared him angrily stamping her leg on his leg.

"Oouuchh!!!!" He winced slowly.

"Jallad !!!" He murmured with anger and then focused on lecture.

In lunch time

"Wow Swara you brought brownie today!!!" Ragini who was her friend squealed with joy seeing brownie in the tiffin box of her friend on which she smiled seeing her excited face.

"You know I asked my mom to make it for me but she didn't. "Ragini said with sad face and took brownie from tiffin box and going to keep it her mouth but was stopped by one hand who held her wrist for stopping her from eating.

"That's my brownie not yours." He said with greeted teeth on which Ragini narrowed eyes.

"Where is your name?" She asked and started searching his name on brownie on which he glared her snatching it from her hand.

"Shut up you dumb head. Teddy brought it for me, so I'll eat it." He said and put it in his mouth without giving any head to his surroundings.


"Shut up both of you." Swara said angrily seeing there drama on which Ragini kept her finger on her lips while his mouth was already closed with brownie.

"If you wanna eat you can eat while sharing but No both of you need to drama." She said with greeted teeth still glaring them while he looked at her face for second.

"I don't share my things and specially which is my favourite." Saying this he left from there taking tiffin box with him while both girls looked at each other.

"Can I talk with my daughter ???" Shomi asked knocking the door which brought Swara out from her memory land. She looked at her mother who was giving her soft expression which was mixture of pain and guilt.

"Maa you don't need to knock and you know that." Swara said getting up from the bed. She corrected blanket over sonu and moved towards her Maa.

"Can we talk alone, not here ?" Shomi asked on which Swara nodded in yes. They both moved out giving a glance to sonu.

They both came in the hall and sat opposite to each other on the couch .

"Coffee??? "Shomi asked forwarding coffee mug to Swara while she took it without even saying anything.

"Shona, now won't you even look at your mother, did I commit that much big mistake." Shomi said with heavy voice while lone tear escaped from the corner of her eyes. Swara looked at her mother who was looking at her with so many emotions. She immediately sat on her knees in front of mother taking her hands in hers.

"Maa, stop crying and you didn't commit any mistake." Swara said while wiping tears of her mother.

"You know you aren't talking with me properly since morning." Shomi said with complaint in her voice.

"I'm sorry Maa but it's you who started that baseless topic then what's my fault in that." Swara said holding her ears on which shomi removed her hands from ears while nodding in no.

"Shona, I just wanted you to get settled nothing else." Shomi said again trying to keep her point.

"Maa, again okay fine. If you will again talk about my marriage then I swear I'll leave this house with Sonu." Swara said getting little irritated again.

"Dare you think about leaving us." Shomi said giving her a death glare on which a chuckle left from Swara's mouth.

"Ohh really, you are only hell bent on making me marry with some jerk so that I can leave this house and now giving me warning." Swara said with sarcasm but Shomi felt hurt listening this.

"Shona, I'm sorry. I know you have tolerated enough in your past because of me and sometimes I feel you get angry on me due to that ,and I don't want your life to be stopped due to me." Shomi said with hurt voice while tears started flowing from her eyes.

"Maa, how could you think that I was angry on you due to that and it wasn't your mistake get that. And my life isn't stopped, it's moving on with my evergreen Dida, my over melodramatic mother and my cute little angle." Swara said trying to cheer her mother's mood on which she smiled little.

"I just want you to be happy (Swara smiled listening her) and I promise from now on I won't talk about your marriage." Shomi said caressing her hairs on which Swara gave her small while keeping her head in her mother's lap.

"Even I want to feel the warmth of love of my Maa." Swara said closing her eyes while Shomi just kissed her forehead and started caressing her hairs.

To be continued..................

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