Chapter - 8

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"Mumma what happened to him ? Why was he screaming this much?" Sonu asked all of sudden remembering Sanskaar's behaviour which made her scared too. Swara who was carrying her daughter, looked at her and shook her head at her question.

"Nothing bachha, he just saw one nightmare. That's why he was scared." Swara replied her placing her on the bed and covered her with blanket.

"Now sleep, good night." Swara said with smile and started patting Sonu's head on which she closed her eyes with smile and within some minutes she slept in her mother's embrace.

Swara kissed Sonu's forehead with love and she too closed her eyes sighing heavily remembering the activities which happened from day to night.

"It was really a long day!!! "

Next Day

Swara was making notes to give to students with full concentration that she didn't notice someone tiptoed in her staffroom and stood behind her with evil smile.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........" Swara screamed loudly getting scared from the voice and started breathing heavily. She looked behind only to find her best friend who was standing there with mischievous grin.

"Ragini Kamini Chudail......" Swara shouted with greeted teeth glaring her angrily.

"Hawwww, Shona. Slowly what if students hear you, then they will say when our professor can use abusive words then why can't we." Ragini said with the most innocent face she could ever make.

"Shut up. Is this way to greet someone ? I got scared man." Swara said still glaring her.

"Yupp. To my girl friend." Ragini said and winked at her taking sit beside Swara.

"When you came back from Delhi ?" Swara asked and again resumed her work.

"Today only and the first person I'm meeting is you my sweetheart." Ragini said smiling like an idiot.

"Now don't you think students will doubt on your character that their Professor Ragini is les......" Swara started to say with mischievous grin but stopped in middle when Ragini hit on the back of her head.

"Shut up you witch. I'm happily married." Ragini said making faces.

"Okay, okay so get going with your work as exams are on our head." Swara said concentrating in her book.

Ragini was observing her keenly from the time she came back. Swara didn't even make a eye contact with her and doing her work. So she stopped her work by keeping her hand on her book.

"Ragu what........"

"Shona, what are you hiding? Did something happen behind my back ?" Ragini asked being worried on which Swara looked at her and nodded in yes sighing heavily.

"Did he came back from behind the bars ? How dare he........"

"Ragu, it's Sanskaar." Swara said making Ragini's eyes go wide in shock.

"Sanskaar but how is he making you worried?" Ragini asked being confused still in shock.

"It's not him it's his illness which is making me worried. I don't know what happened with him that suddenly he became like this." Swara said still thinking about him and how he behaved last night. She told everything to Ragini on which she was also not less shocked.

"It's been many years Shona that you met him so obviously you don't know what happened in all those years." Ragini tried to reason out after composing herself on which Swara nodded in agreement.

"But that's not the point ( Swara looked on confused listening her). Point is do you still Love Sanskaar ?" Ragini asked like blasting a bomb on Swara's head.

"Ragini are you even serious ?" Swara asked still in shock with her question.

"Yes, I'm hell seriously Shona. Tell me do you still love him ?" Ragini asked getting irritated with Swara's reaction.

"No, Hell No. It was just an teenage infatuation Ragini which disappeared when I became mature." Swara said angrily.

"Then why did you take care of him last night when you don't love him?" Ragini again asked making her more irritated.

"It was just for an humanity's sake. Nothing more then that." Swara said with stern yet cold expression.

"And you want me to believe you ?" Ragini asked raising eyebrows.

"Then don't believe, I don't care." Swara said and resumed her work ignoring Ragini on which she just glared her and stood up to go from there.

"And yes come for dinner tonight at my home with your husband." Swara said still concentrating in her book while Ragini left from there without giving a glance to her.

It was afternoon when Swara finished her lectures and distributed notes among the students. She came to staff room only to find Ragini was already there with three more professors thus she decided to move out from there too.

She came in the library and went to the corner of the hall where she could get some peace which could calm her mind. She placed her beg on the table and sat there opening one book but her mind was completely disturbed and running in all kind of different directions. She closed the book sighing heavily and placed her head on the table closing her eyes.

Swara wasn't that girl in her high school who was having millions of friends, who would bully weak students making their fun. Her only friend was Ragini since their childhood. The new term had started one month back only and still some new admission were coming in their School.

Like every other days she was sitting with Ragini in their classroom, doing their work when class teacher came with ten more students and finally declared that they were the last students who would be admitting in the school. Everyone started giving their introduction but since the time all students came her eyes had only captured that brown eyes which was shining (she felt). She was jerked from her thought when Ragini shook her asking what happened on which she nodded in no.

"Sanskaar Maheshwari ,
Previous School - St. Xaviers School." He spoke catching everyone's attention as everyone started thinking now they were having one more topper in their list.

"Such a disgusting concept Love At First Sight is." Swara murmured but Ragini could hear it.

"What do you mean?" Ragini asked raising her eyebrows.

"I just meant Love at first sight doesn't exist. The people who believe it are dumb heads and stupids. Got it." Swara said irritatingly on which Ragini nodded being dumbfounded as she didn't know about what her best friend was speaking.

Swara opened her eyes after hearing ringtone of her phone which was ringing from long time. She unlocked the screen only to see three missed calls of Ragini. She frowned seeing that and thought to call back her but her phone beeped again indicating about message.

"I'm sorry but I'm not sorry. Now don't be dukhi aatma and come to staff room I'm very hungry. Come back within five minutes otherwise I'll bang your head with that book only which you are reading currently."

She smiled reading the cute warning of her best friend Ragini and locked the screen keeping phone and book inside her beg and left to staff room......

To be continued...................

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