Chapter - 13

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It was lunch time when all students went outside of their classrooms while Swara was sitting in her classroom only with Ragini on the last bench.

Swara was crying all the while and Ragini was wiping her tears asking for the reasons which she didn't tell still. Due to excess crying Swara's nose turned completely red and it started flowing which angered Ragini little.

"Shona either you are telling me what happened or I'm not talking to you." Ragini shouted angrily.

"And how you got injured?" Ragini asked angrily on which Swara flinched a little but didn't say anything and wiped her tears from the back of her hand.

That's when someone banged hand on the bench with force bringing Swaragini out of their trance. Both looked at that direction and found Sanskaar was standing their with anger filled eyes which confused them a little and both shared a look with each other and again looked at him.

"Can't you see Ragini she is already crying and instead of calming her down you are shouting on her." Sanskaar shouted with greeted teeth giving an angry glare to her on which she looked at him with wide eyes.

"While coming to school she fell from her cycle due to which her elbow is injured so kindly tie handkerchief on her wound instead if shouting on her." He added further giving a glance to Swara who was already looking at him and opened her mouth to say something.

"This is your cycle keys." He said to Swara calmly but before she could have said anything he left from there giving a final glance to her and her wound.

"I really feel he is your hero because whenever you get trapped yourself in problem he always comes to rescue you." Ragini said after some minutes of silence between them on which Swara slapped her playfully only to wince in pain due to injured elbow.

"You idiot here I was crying and you were shouting on me." Swara said with twitched nose.

"And the great thing is, you finally realised it when your hero came and scolded me." Ragini said with sarcastic smile on which Swara again raised her hand to slap her but before that Ragini caught her hand and tied handkerchief on her elbow.

"He is angry bird. He scolded you unnecessarily but why didn't you scold him back." Swara said after thinking about his behaviour.

"Hey God, never give this type of friend to anyone. He scolded me for you then you should have fought for me and here you are asking me to fight for myself . Ghor Kalyug." Ragini said making faces.

"Don't say this Ragu. What if anyone listens it, they will make fun of us then." Swara said sternly yet giving glare to Ragini.

"Okay, now tell me about everything." Ragini demanded on which Swara nodded in yes and told her everything that how her mother asked her to go to Dida's house then her cycle accident.


Swara came back from her memory land after hearing loud voice of Sonu.

"Coming bachha...." Swara shouted back and left taking food bowls.

Dinning Area

Swara placed bowls on the table and took seat beside Sonu whereas she gave her smile. Till then Sujata brought Sanskaar too who was coming there with his puppy holding him close to his chest. 

Sujata sat on her chair and asked Sanskaar to sit beside her but he nodded his head in a big no which confused her as well as others too.

"Sanskaar, what happened? Sit no." Sujata said lovingly on which he again nodded in no and moved from there to other side. He came near Swara and handed her his puppy which she took giving him confuse look. He pulled chair beside her and sat there showing his full teeth to Swara which made her smile little seeing his action.

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