Chapter - 11

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After making Sonu sleep Swara was standing near the window gazing sky which was shimmering with stars while the light coming from full moon was giving pure calm feeling which could calm anyone's stressed mind.

It had been few week after new admission in school and yet Swara had not given a damn to anyone. She was always busy in her study and with her one and  only best friend who was none other than Ragini. 

One fine day all the students were returning to their classrooms after lunch break so as Swaragini. That's when their class teacher stopped them at the doorstep only.

"Ragini you may sit at your place." Teacher said to Ragini on which she obliged and went back to her sit giving a glance to Swara.

"Ma'am what happened?" Swara asked being confused.

"Swara show me your beg and other stuffs which you carry." Teacher ordered to Swara on which she was looking at her being confused.

"Can't you hear at once when I'm asking something then do it without asking question. From a bright student like you this was the least expected thing which I heard about you." Teacher shouted on her angrily which made her jump from her place while tears filled in her eyes.

"Ma'am I'm not understanding what are you saying?" Swara still asked with teary eyes as she wanted to know that why her teacher was shouting on her without her mistake.

"Didn't you steal Priya's money from her beg when everyone left for lunch?" Teacher asked  controlling her anger as she herself was unable to believe Swara could do something like that while Swara was completely shocked after hearing the allegation on her which was nothing but a lie.

"Ma'am trust me I didn't steal anything and I don't even know anything related that." Swara said after coming out of shock.

"Yes Ma'am Swara was with me all the time. She didn't do anything." Ragini tried to defend her best friend while eyeing Priya who was only looking at her angrily.

"Ma'am Ragini is best friend of Swara then she will  definitely support her but trust me Ma'am Swara only stole my money." Priya said while shedding tears.

"That will be decided later Priya, Swara you show me your beg first." Teacher asked stopping their quarrelling but before Swara could proceed for taking her beg, they were stopped by a voice. He came forward and stood beside Swara, he looked at her for a second on which she was looking down with tears in her eyes.

"Ma'am Swara is innocent." He said with his straight forward attitude directly looking at teacher on which Swara looked at him astonished.

"How can you say this with surety Sanskaar ?" Teacher asked him.

"Ma'am as Priya said Ragini can't defend Swara because they both are best friends but I can because I'm none to them, right." Sanskaar said sharply on which teacher nodded in yes and asked him to continue.

"So when all were busy with their lunch I came to classroom for keeping my book, that's when I heard Priya and her friend conspiring against Swara for degrading her in your eyes and then she herself kept money in Swara's beg so that when you ask about thief then they could easily frame her wrong." He explained all the matter clearly which left Priya and her friend all sweating in fear while Swara and Ragini smiled as her innocence was proved. 

Later Teacher asked Priya and her friend to call their parents as punishment then everyone settled at their place for the lecture.

After School

Swaragini were standing near the gate for bidding bye to each other. While Ragini was staring at Swara with constant smile on which Swara made irritated face and asked her to stop.

"Ragu please if you again smile then I'll break your not so whitish teeth." Swara said with greeted teeth on which Ragini made faces but still continued.

"So lucky you are Shona baby. Your crush saved you today." Ragini said giving toothy smile again on which Swara smacked the back of her head.

"Don't say that. He isn't my crush." Swara said making irritated face.

"Awww Shona baby is blushing. Well must say he is perfect for you." Ragini said grinning widely on which Swara glared her and was going to beat her but before that her eyes fell on Sanskaar who was coming near the gate. She immediately turned her face, holding Ragini's hand she dragged her outside on which he noticed her being confused.

Ragini looked behind and found him staring at them with confusion so she turned towards Swara narrowing her eyes.

"Such as thankless girl you are. He helped you and here you didn't even thank him. Mannerless girl." Ragini said hitting her forehead playfully.

"Thanks for the compliment. Now let's go. I'm getting late." Swara said sarcastically and with that both left to their respective home.

At Swara's home.

Since the time Swara came from school, she was snuggling to her mother's embrace after telling her about the incident which happened in school.

"Shona you should be careful from next time. Not every time, you will get help from others." Shomi said caressing her hairs softly on which Swara nodded in yes.

That's when her father came interrupting moment of mother and daughter.

"Shomi tomorrow you are coming with me to the hospital, okay." He said after glancing her for a second on which she nodded in yes while Swara looked at her mother in question.

"What happened, Maa ?" Swara asked with concern filled voice.

"Nothing Shona, just a little stomach ache." Shomi said with small smile on which Swara again hugged her.

Chirping voice of birds broke peaceful sleep of Swara. She opened her eyes after some minutes when rays of sun which was coming from the window, directly hit  her eyes making her to close her it with irritation. She rubbed her both palm with each other making it warm then placed it on her eyes. After sometime she opened her eyes and directly looked beside her where Sonu was sleeping, hugging her by waist. She covered her properly with blanket and left to washroom after kissing her on forehead.

After Sometime

Swara came out of her room dressed in simple long kurti and leggings and moved towards kitchen but stopped on her track after seeing Sujata who was coming out from her room with Sanskaar but the thing which caught her eyes, was their two beg. She went towards Sujata in confusion.

"Aunty, are you going some where?" Swara asked in confusion.

"Yes Swara, we can't trouble you anymore. Yesterday Sanskaar attacked your friend and it was so difficult to control him. I can't risk all of your life. So I'm leaving this house with him." Sujata stated clearly with guilt in her voice on which Swara looked shocked. 

"Aunty but....." Swara started to say but interpreted by Sujata.

"He can be dangerous for anyone and moreover you have small daughter. It can leave bad effect on her which I don't want." Sujata said looking down.

"I'm sorry." Sujata added further joining her hands in front of Swara on which she nodded in no and looked at Sanskaar who was standing beside his mother bowing his head down.

To be continued......................

[I know you all were desperately waiting for past to unfold for which I troubled you all a lot by extending it much.
So sorry for that, and I have started unveiling the past but in that I need patience of yours so please co-operate with me.]


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