Chapter - 22

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"So, am I forgiven if yes then would you like to accept my friendship ?" Sanskaar asked forwarding his hand towards her and closed his eyes tightly waiting for her to answer. 

Ragini who came few minutes back, heard everything from Sanskaar's apology to his request for friendship. She squealed in joy and directly jumped between them leaving both of them startle. Swara who looked at shine in Ragini's eyes, raised her eyebrow in question on the other hand there were no change in Sanskaar's expression. He kept on giving her death glare but as soon as he found Swara's gaze upon him, he quickly hided his glare with fake smile.

"Sanskaar, is this a thing to ask for. Obviously she is ready to accept your friendship but before that you have to do something." Ragini said while smirking. Swara who saw her smirk, elbowed her with narrowed eyes as if asking "What's running in your not so smart brain ?"

"What do you want me to do, Ragini jii ?" Sanskaar asked with greeted teeth but quickly hided it with fake smile. Seeing him giving fake smile, Ragini did tribe's dance in her mind but soon was back in reality with a light hit on her head which was obviously given by none other than Swara.

"Sanskaar, you asked from me so it's for me to decide not her." Swara said calmly on which Ragini looked at her with narrowed eyes then slapped her playfully on her chick.

"Have you lost your mind, here he is asking forgiveness and you are showing attitude. Did you forget how many time he helped you, I agree he is angry bird but is this the way to behave ? You didn't even thank him for once, Shona. Where are your all the Sanskaars (morals) ?" Ragini asked in one breath with greeted teeth.

Swara looked at her with wide eyes listening her. She turned her gaze towards Sanskaar who was also looking at Ragini with same expression as hers, might be thinking, " Is she really think that good about me ?"

"Stop it, Ragini. That's enough (Ragini opens her mouth to speak something but stops getting a glare from Swara) I was only going to accept his friendship but before that, you only started your over melo drama." Swara said with greeted teeth.

Ragini who was looking at her with sad pout, registered her each words in her mind and within a second jumped over her taking her in a bone crushing hug.

"Can you just repeat your words, Swara ?" Sanskaar said coming out of shock as it was not less than a shock for him. Swara smiled seeing his shocking face and forwarded her hand.

"Thank you, Sanskaar for helping me. I couldn't thank you before but now when we are friends I can't keep more burden on me." Swara said with smile.

"Now will you guys shake hands or shall I bring priest to take out some Shubh muhrat." Ragini said getting bored.

"Shut up." This time Swara and Sanskaar both said together then looked at each other. Without wasting more time, Sanskaar grabbed her hand for handshake.

"Yippie, now that calls for party but before that Sanskaar, you said you will ask apology from me but you didn't. Now do it. I'm waiting." Ragini said while making stern yet funny face. Sanskaar looked at her with non interested face so did Swara and started moving out from there.

"Hey stop, you devils, traitors, matlabi, ehsaan faramosh....." Ragini kept on praising them while both of them were walking without giving a damn to her.

"Ragini jii, Swara already forgave me and became my friend too then who are you. Do I know you ?" Sanskaar said hiding his smile while walking out. Swara too giggled listening him while Ragini just made face listening him.

"Wait, at least answer my one question. As now you are our friend then you won't scold me and shout on me, right ?" Ragini asked while raising her eyebrows in question.

"Who said he won't scold you now he got official right to scold you as now he is in our team." Swara said while smiling mischievously.

Shocked would be an under statement, Sanskaar was more than amused seeing Swara talking with mischievousness as till now he had only seen a cry baby Swara.

"You are dhabba on the name of dosti." Ragini said while scrunching her nose while Swara laughed out loudly seeing her. Soon Sanskaar came out of shock and saw her laughing out loudly. He too smiled and joined with her in teasing session.

"Thank god, you are staying at your Dida's home otherwise earlier I had to think twice no no thrice before coming to your home." Ragini said making bad bad faces on which Swara smiled slightly while Sanskaar stared at her in confusion. 

"You are saying as if her house is den of lion." Sanskaar said.

"Not less than that." Ragini murmured which was enough audible to Swara.

"She is mad, Sanskaar. Ignore her." Swara said eyeing Ragini with a "I'll kill you " look.

"Okay, by the way that song is my favourite one which you were singing." Sanskaar said with smile. 

"I was just humming the music, Sanskaar you gave words to it." Swara said while smiling back.

"I feel you guys will be the professor of philosophy, itni badi badi gyaan ki baate." Ragini said shaking her head unbelievably.

"That's why I ask you to pay attention in lecture but madam loves her beauty sleep more than anything." Swara said while rolling her eyes.

"Whom are you telling, Swara. She is sister of Kumbhkaran." Sanskaar said sarcastically. 

"Ohh hello ehsaan faramoshon , I just sleep in Math's lecture. That sir just sucks my blood, Dracula kahin ka." Ragini said with greeted teeth.

"And what about history's sir, you go in la la land just by his one glance. You better focus in study and study or else you will get double anda in every subject then your parents will throw you out, dumb head." Swara said slapping Ragini playfully on which she glared her while rubbing her head.

"Don't worry darling you will save me as you are my tv of entertainment and I'm your remote and we can't live without each other ." Ragini said while grinning widely.

"I never knew this side of yours, Swara." Sanskaar said being amused. While Swara just smiled listening him.

"This side is reserved for some people only." Swara said with small smile.

"Sonu, now come on sleep. We have to wake up early in the morning." Swara said while covering Sonu with blanket and started caressing her hairs.

"No worries, Shona baby. I'll be up before you." Sonu said with twinkling eyes.

"They made me baby then what are they. Themselves behave like baby then call me baby. I won't leave this Ragini, it's all because of her." Swara muttered to herself and closed her eyes.

To be continued........................

So, here I'm back with very chhotu saa part on the occasion of birthday of such an innocent, cute, smart, intelligent and sweet insaan and of course that person is none other than me 😁😋😘🤗.

A small part where, SwaSan have begun their journey of nothing but only Friendship 😋😋😋😋.

The sole reason for this is none other than 👻 -books_love , someone tell her birthday girl ko gift dete hai 🙄 naa ki mangte hai 😑😏.

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