Chapter - 15

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"Mom, Teddy are we going somewhere? "Sanskaar asked all of sudden catching Swara and Sujata's attention. They both looked at each other being worried.

"Why Sanskaar, how you thought this ?" Swara asked after composing herself.

"Mom always makes me wear something new when we go out." Sanskaar said with smile while Swara smiled nervously and thought to tell him finally as he sooner or later he would get to know about this.

"Sanskaar, we are going to hospital." Swara said simply leaving a high sigh and looked at him for his reaction.

On listening just the name of hospital Sanskaar started shivering. The shirt he was holding in his hand slipped from his hand while his face completely turned pale.

"No.... No.... No..... I won't go..... No...." Sanskaar stammered with shivering voice and shook his head in no while his eyes were completely blank. This reaction from Sanskaar was quite expected to both Sujata and Swara though they gave it a try, and now were fearing what if he did something wrong .

"Sanskaar, see we are....." Before Sujata could say further, Sanskaar pushed her little making her stumble but was caught at the correct time by Swara. Sujata looked at Swara with tears filled eyes on which Swara wiped her tears nodding in no.

Swara thought to convince him in her way thus she went close to him but stopped seeing Sanskaar showing her hand.

"Don't come near me. Stay away....." Sanskaar said going backwards not looking at her which made Swara stop at her place but still she thought to call him.

"Sanskaar, you won't be alone there. Me and aunty would be there for you." Swara said with slow voice not wanting to scar him more on which he nodded in no.

"They will give me shock. I'm not coming, you all go." Sanskaar said with fear while some blur images flashed in his mind. Swara and Sujata were feeling bad seeing his condition but they had to convince him anyhow.

"Sanskaar, trust me...." Swara said coming near him and forwarded her hand to hold him but he jerked her hand furiously.

"I said no I don't wanna go. You all please leave me alone. Go away. Go...." Sanskaar shouted furiously on which both Swara and Sujata flinched from their place. Sujata went near him but he again jerked her making her stumble. Swara held her from shoulder taking her out from there. She looked at him for the last time before leaving while hurt was clearly visible in her eyes so as Sujata.

They both came in the hall while Swara wiped tears from Sujata's eyes which were flowing constantly.

"Swara I told you, he won't agree easily." Sujata said with wet voice  while Swara looked at her nodding her head.

"I'm sorry aunty it's because of me he behaved aggressively." Swara apologised feeling guilty not because she was wrong, because she should have talked to him and convince him beforehand.

"It's not your mistake. You just wanted to help us." Sujata said as she knew since she came in this house, Swara was the only one who helped them, who controlled his aggressive behaviour and again she was the only one who could convince him.

"I'll ask for tomorrow's appointment if you don't mind." Swara said gaining Sujata's attention on which Sujata opened her mouth to say something but stopped.

"We can convince him, right now he is angry so it's of no use to talk to him. I will talk to him after coming back from college." Swara said with slight smile on which Sujata nodded having faith in her.

At college

Swara came in the staff room after completing her lecture where Ragini was already present writing something in her book. Swara went and sat beside her keeping books and beg on the table.

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