Chapter - 16

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"Where is your bf ?" Sanskaar again asked instead of answering her question.

"Wait, what bf. Excuse me Mr. Let me tell you I'm very innocent girl who doesn't have time for bf and all." Ragini said scrunching her nose.

"You seriously have no brain you know. I asked about Swara who is your best friend and my bf stands for Best Friend not boyfriend, you dirty mind girl." Sanskaar said with greeted teeth glaring Ragini on which she just shrugged off her shoulders.

"Why are you asking about her, do you want her to tie rakhi to you on occasion of Rakhshabandhan." Ragini said raising her eyebrow in question on which Sanskaar looked at her being shocked.

"What !!!" Sanskaar and Swara both exclaimed in shock together who came just now and listened  both Sanskaar and Ragini's talks. Both turned only to witness Swara was standing there almost with opened mouth in shock. Ragini just giggled seeing her face on which Sanskaar glared her. Swara came and stood beside Ragini and hit her elbow to her angrily.

"What were you speaking ?" Swara asked with greeted teeth on which Ragini gave her toothy smile in return.

"You know, Sanskaar was asking about you so I thought tomorrow is Rakshabandhan and according to rules of our school we will be celebrating it today therefore he might be asking for you to tie rakhi to him." Ragini said all this in one breath showing full teeth to Swara and Sanskaar.

"Will you stop using your not so intelligent brain ?" Sanskaar asked with greeted teeth still glaring her as if digging hole in her brain.

"Why, and dare you call my brain as not so intelligent after all I gave such a brilliant idea to you. Well, it's good if you make Swara as your sister as you always help her knowingly or unknowingly." Ragini said with smile yet with a hidden smirk. Swara hit her head furiously listening her nonsense talks while Sanskaar clenched his fist tightly.

"I was right about you, you have only dirt in your mind Ragini. If I helped Swara knowingly or unknowingly then does that mean I should make her my sister? And listen to me very carefully I have not come here to make sister, I already have one and non can take her place. I myself won't share her place with anyone." Sanskaar said sternly giving Ragini death glare and left from there without giving a glance to them.'

"He was possessive regarding his things from childhood only and still is." Swara said thoughtfully while Ragini nodded in agreement.

"That's all okay but what was the need to scold me that much, he didn't do less that you were also ready with all your weapons." Ragini said making face on which Swara just chuckled listening her.

"You stupid, idiot don't you have control on your tongue. It always slips at wrong place and creates blunder." Swara said while hitting Ragini with her beg.

"Aoowww shona, stop it yaar. It's hurting." Ragini said while preventing herself from Swara's torture.

"It was meant to hurt you only. Didn't you see his face, he was so angry listening about his sister." Swara said with sad face remembering Sanskaar's face when he told about his sister.

"You are only caring about him but why do you care? Did you feel bad that he refused to make you his sister ?" Ragini asked with raised eyebrows while suppressing her laughter on which Swara glared her and hit hear head again.

"Shut up, and what was that till yesterday you were all set to tease my name with him and now. You are very bad, Ragini ."Swara said with sad face on which Ragini giggled a little.

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