Chapter - 7

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It was midnight and that too in the winter season. Silence had been prevailing everywhere.

Whereas in the Bose House Sonu was sleeping hugging her teddy tightly while her mouth was opened little and snoring soundly. On the other hand Swara was sleeping in her mother's lap peacefully after long hectic day. But their peaceful sleep was no longer peaceful due to the sounds of screaming someone. Swara opened her eyes with difficulty and rubbed it to get a clear vision whereas that screaming voice kept on increasing. She looked at her mother who was already looking at her with equally confused expression.

They got up to check the voice and came near Sanskaar's room from where the voice was coming. They could clearly listen him screaming and other voice which was of his mother trying to calm him. They shared a look with each other and knocked the door. When no reply came from other side Swara again knocked.

"Aunty please open the door, may be we can help you." Swara said still with confusion looking at her mother till then her dida too came there asking them what happened on which both just shrugged their shoulders.

Swara was again going to knock the door but till then the door was opened by Sujata. She looked at them wiping her tears.

"Swara you can't help me in this, and sorry for disturbance." Sujata said with guilt all over her face and tried to close the door but stopped on her track listening Sanskaar's voice.

"Don't......Don't kill me......please don't........... Don't come near me................Don't kill me........." He was blabbering continuously while covering his both eyes with hands and body was trembling with fear.

Sujata immediately came near him trying to cup his chicks but he jerked her harshly making her fall on the floor but she was saved by Swara on the nick of the time.

"Mumma......." Sonu's voice came from behind. They turned to look at her only to find her standing at the door holding her teddy while rubbing her eyes continuously.

"Don't touch me.............."

They again looked back at Sanskaar only to witness he threw the vase on the floor with full force making it to break in pieces. Sonu immediately flinched from her face making cry face and ran to Swara throwing herself in her arms and started crying.

"Sonu bachha. Shhhh...... It's okay.  Go to your room, Mumma is coming." Swara said with soothing voice caressing her back on which Sonu nodded in no and started crying more.

Swara looked at her Dida and pleaded her to take Sonu from there as it was scaring her.

"Sonu, awwww mera little devil, come your dida will give you ice-cream. Let's go." Dida said moving towards them on which Sonu nodded no vigorously.

"I wanna be with mumma." Sonu said in between her sobs on which Swara made her look at her wiping her tears.

"Mumma will come in few minutes till then you can eat your ice-cream with Dida, go." Swara said softly with smile on which Sonu nodded and left with her Dida while Sanskaar was continuously blabbering the same thing again and again.

Swara came towards Sujata making her stand on her feet and  wiped her tears.

"Aunty what happened to him?" Swara asked with concern in her voice.

"He is ill Swara." Sujata said in between her sobs while tears were flowing from her eyes continuously.

"Aunty we can see that but why is he becoming this much aggressive?" Swara asked again.

"We can't control his temper Swara, he isn't ready to listen anything. I'm scared if something happens....." Saying this Sujata broke down on the floor on which Shomi immediately came towards her supporting her.

"Aunty do you have any medicine?" Swara asked sitting beside Sujata on which she nodded and gave medicine to Swara which she was holding in her fist. Swara took it and got up to move towards Sanskaar.

"Swara be careful, he is very aggressive." Sujata said feeling scared for her on which Shomi just squeezed her hand.

"Sanskaar......." Swara called him softly on which he looked at her with red eyes which was full of anger and fear.

"Don't come near me......... Don't kill me........." He again started blabbering while going backward. He reached near the edge of the bed and going to fall but on the main time Swara held his hand preventing him from falling. He closed his eyes tightly in fear of falling while his body started trembling more.

"Sanskaar........ "Swara called him softly again on which he looked at her with fearful eyes nodding in no.

"Don't kill me....." He said trembling with fear.

"No Sanskaar, I won't do anything. Promise." She said with smile.

"No no no......." He screamed angrily.

"Sanskaar, I promise I won't do anything. Drink this water you will feel better." She said handing over him the glass of water.

"No no no, she'll kill me." He said with fearful voice.

"She won't kill you and if she tries I promise I'll kill her. Now, drink this water." She said sitting beside him.

"You will kill her ???" He asked innocently.

"Yes, I promise." She said and made him drink the water on which he drank silently without any further questions.

"If she comes and kills me then ?" He asked again with fear on which she just hugged him nodding in no.

"We'll fight together and make her run." She said caressing his hairs on which he didn't say anything but his body was still trembling with fear and he kept on murmuring,

"Don't kill me.........."

"Shhhh.....sleep Sanskaar. No one is killing you." Swara said in a slow voice caressing his hairs while his eyes started getting heavy and he closed it.

"Don't....... "

"Shhhhhh..... Brownie." She said softly and with that sleep took over him.

After sometime

Swara saw sleeping figure of Sanskaar who was sleeping without any tension peacefully, she sighed heavily and stood up to go but felt a tug on her little finger. She looked at her finger and found he was holding her finger in a tight grip. 

"Thank you Swara, today you calmed him somehow. Thank you so much." Sujata said coming towards Swara feeling grateful on which she smiled little.

"It's okay aunty. It's because of medicine due to which he is sleeping." Swara said with smile and trying to take out her finger from his grip. Sujata saw her and found her struggling to take out her finger therefore she too helped her and finally after lots of struggling they were successful in their attempt.

"Sonu must be waiting for me. Maa , let's go." Swara said and stood up coming towards Shomi and they left the room.

In the kitchen

"Wow, traitors are eating ice-cream without even sharing. How mean !!!" Swara said making faces when she saw her daughter and dida enjoying ice-cream all alone. 

"No Mumma, see I saved your ice-cream from the evil eyes of dida otherwise she would have eaten it." Sonu said showing the other bucket of ice-cream to Swara on which she smiled while Dida glared her for calling her evil.

"Sonu........" Dida said with greeted teeth on which Sonu showed her full teeth.

"Dida, let's eat ice-cream. I'm hungry." Swara said taking bucket from Sonu and together everyone enjoyed their ice-cream.......

To be continued.....................

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