Chapter - 12

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Swara came out of her room dressed in simple long kurti and leggings and moved towards kitchen but stopped on her track after seeing Sujata who was coming out from her room with Sanskaar but the thing which caught her eyes, was their two beg. She went towards Sujata in confusion.

"Aunty, are you going some where?" Swara asked in confusion.

"Yes Swara, we can't trouble you anymore. Yesterday Sanskaar attacked your friend and it was so difficult to control him. I can't risk all of your life. So I'm leaving this house with him." Sujata stated clearly with guilt in her voice on which Swara looked shocked. 

"Aunty but....." Swara started to say but interpreted by Sujata.

"He can be dangerous for anyone and moreover you have small daughter. It can leave bad effect on her which I don't want." Sujata said looking down.

"I'm sorry." Sujata added further joining her hands in front of Swara on which she nodded in no and looked at Sanskaar who was standing beside his mother bowing his head down.

"Aunty I know I don't have any right to stop you but think about Sanskaar where will you take him in this condition. He may feel uncomfortable with strange people around him and moreover it will be difficult for you to find new residence." Swara said holding hands of Sujata.

"I appreciate your concern for us Swara but you have already helped me alot. I can't trouble you more and he is my responsibility so I only have to take care of him." Sujata said taking off her hand and held Sanskaar's hand and started moving towards door.

"Aunty, being Sanskaar's friend I have right to stop you." Swara said without moving from her place on which Sujata stopped on her track and turned towards Swara with confusion.

"Friendship of two days doesn't mean you will have to take his responsibility. Don't trouble yourself Swara, you have already your daughter, mother and dida to take care of." Sujata said coming towards her and caressed her hairs showing her gratitude.

"Aunty our friendship is not of two days. I know him from our school days. That's why I'm stopping you." Swara said realising a heavy sigh on which Sujata looked at her for some seconds.

"So you are that Swara about whom he used to tell me ?" Sujata asked being surprised on which Swara looked at her in confusion as she was clueless about what she was saying.

"Sanskaar used to tell me about his one friend who was cry baby, now I come to know that cry baby is none other than you. I can't believe that cry baby is now this much strong girl." Sujata said after understanding Swara's confusion with smile on which Swara looked at her with frown.

"He described my character as cry baby to you." Swara said with frown then looked at Sanskaar who was not paying attention to their talks and standing their bowing his head holding the hem of his Mom's saree.

Sujata just chuckled listening her shaking her head on which Swara again looked at her.

"That means you aren't leaving now right ?" Swara asked seeing Sujata smiling and looked at her with curiosity on which Sujata looked at her and opened her mouth to say something.

"Please aunty, we will consult other doctors. May be he can get cured." Swara said and looked at Sanskaar that's when he too raised his face and looked at her for seconds but again bowed his head. Sujata finally smiled nodding her head in agreement on which Swara smiled brightly and hugged her then trio turned around only to witness Dida and Shomi were already standing there looking at them or probably Swara with so many questions.

In the kitchen

Swara was boiling milk while her dida was standing beside her digging holes on the back of her head.

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