Chapter - 19

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"So, will you agree to visit hospital ?"Swara asked crossing her fingers and hoping him to agree while praying in her mind. While all the others were waiting for his answer as well. Sonu came out of her Mumma's embrace little and looked at him curiously, Sanskaar shifted his gaze from Swara to Sonu and smiled little looking at her while Sonu returned the same.

"I'll come with you. I trust you." Sanskaar said slowly and looked down in his lap. As soon as this sentence escaped from his mouth, Swara's worried face turned into a happy one with bright smile.

Sujata immediately came towards Sanskaar and sat in front of him on her knees. She cupped his face and kissed tightly on his forehead with smile while he was looking at her with twinkling eyes.

"I'm so happy, Sanskaar. Finally you agreed. Now my Sanskaar will be perfectly fine like before. (She turns towards Swara and holds her hand in between her palms) thank you, Swara. Thank you so much." Sujata said while tears of happiness started flowing from her eyes.

Sonu came out of Swara's embrace and jumped in Sanskaar's lap and stared at him with her twinkling eyes. While he too smiled looking at her twinkling eyes.

"You are so cute, buddy." Sonu said pinching his nose on which Sanskaar looked at her with frown but later smiled.

"You are more cute than me." Sanskaar said pinching her nose slightly on which she blinked her eyes several times.

Sharmistha came towards Sujata and hugged her on which she reciprocated happily.

"Your son will be fine. Don't worry." Sharmistha said with smile on which Sujata nodded in yes smilingly.

Swara who was looking everything with content smile on her face felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her gaze in that direction and found Ragini was staring her with so much of emotions.

"Finally you did it." Ragini said with smile on which Swara nodded with smile and again turned her gaze towards Sanskaar and Sonu.

"So ???" Ragini asked on which Swara tilted her head again towards her in confusion.

"What so ???" Swara questioned back in confusion.

"Now once Sanskaar gets fine, everything will be settled. (Swara looks at her in confusion) I mean once he gets fine, you should propose him, I'm sure he too has feelings for you and he will agree. Then finally your both's marriage and finally I can see my happy Swara back." Ragini said dreamily. On listening this Swara immediately sat straight while closing her fist in tight grip which clearly showed her veins tightened up in stress.

"Didn't I warn you, Ragini not to speak this rubbish things again." Swara said slowly yet dangerously so that none could hear them. Ragini opened her mouth to speak something but just cut off by Swara.

"Not a word Ragini. He is just my friend other than that I don't have any feeling for him. I'm very happy in my life with my family and friends which includes you. I won't marry ever again, get that fit in your small size brain." Swara added further with blank expression on which Ragini couldn't say anything more.

"Ragini, Dosti sukoon deti hai aur pyaar sirf bandishe and junoon and in my life there is no place for love and marriage now. I'm happy with his friendship the way I was before and here after if you again bring this chapter I'll never talk to you." Swara said with blank face and left without giving a glance to Ragini while she kept on looking at her retreating figure.

After Sometime

Swara brought all the dishes from the kitchen which she prepared and kept on dinning table. She looked at everyone, where Sonu was still sitting in Sanskaar's lap, dida, maa and Sujata aunty were discussing something while Laksh was trying to talk to Ragini on which she was ignoring him royally looking at some far point.

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