Chapter - 9

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New cover of Silent Feelings,Have a look and let me know how's it

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New cover of Silent Feelings,
Have a look and let me know how's it.
And the credit for this beautiful cover goes to my one and only Chudail SweetySwasanian 😜😜😜😜😜..........

Swara, sonu and shomi were coming back from their respective place college and school. While Sonu was continuously blabbering and telling how was her day in School to Swara on which she was listening her with smile.

"Mumma, you know today one girl accused me for stealing her book." Sonu said scrunching her nose on listening this Swara looked at her immediately being shocked.

"What, you should have told me in School no. I would have met your teachers." Swara said getting little angry that how could anyone blame her daughter.

"Calm down Mother India, nothing happened to me. I'm perfectly alright." Sonu said with her own attitude on which Swara looked at her with narrowed eyes while Shomi just shook her head seeing her drama.

"Shona, she is absolutely correct. We came to know about thief by cctv and she was punished too so no need worry." Shomi said with smile on which Swara sighed in relief.

"Mumma your Sonu is big smart and intelligent girl so no need to worry." Sonu said blinking her eyes cutely on which Swara shook her head.

"Yes really, Maa is there with you that's why I'm tension free or else I would have to visit your school regular with all new complains of yours." Swara said with teasing smile.

"Mumma you teased me ?" Sonu asked with one raised eyebrow.

"Yuppp my baby." Saying this Swara ran inside the house followed by Sonu who was shouting on behind her back while Shomi looked at them with unbelievable smile.

At Night

As usual Dida and Sonu were fighting for their respective channels to watch on the other hand Swara and Shomi were in the kitchen preparing dinner. At that time only door bell rang.

"Dida open the door please, Ragu came." Swara shouted from the kitchen on which Dida left to open the door and found Ragini was standing there with her husband. Ragini smiled looking at Dida and bent to touch her feet taking blessings followed by her husband. Dida happily blessed them.

"How are you my sexy dida?" Ragini asked entering inside with naughty grin on which Dida shook her head thinking she can't change.

"I'm perfectly fit and fine Ragu and how are you Lakshya ?" Dida asked to Lakshya who was Ragini's husband.

"I'm fine too dida and became more awesome seeing you." Lakshya said and at last winked at Dida on which she smacked on the back of his head.

"Lakshya you can't flirt with my dida. Have some shame, you are married now." Swara said coming out from the kitchen with bowl of food and placed it on the dinning table.

"Shona you can scold him later but first let them sit properly." Shomi said coming out from the kitchen and went towards RagLak blessing them with smile.

After sometime all sat talking on the random things meanwhile Ragini was searching something or better say someone, swara found her looking lost so she shook her from shoulder asking what on which she mouthed Sanskaar. Swara widened her eyes listening her and glared her angrily then left from there.

When everyone was busy in talking that's when a puppy came their running and directly landed in Sonu's lap and started licking her chicks. Behind him Sanskaar too came running looking for his puppy and found him sitting in Sonu's lap. He went near her and sat beside her. She looked at him and smiled with twinkling eyes while he too returned the same. He stared caressing fur of his puppy softly which gave him ticklish feeling making him giggled.

All this while RagLak were the only two person who were looking at Sanskaar with shocked expression while others were smiling looking at him playing with Sonu.

"Sanskaar...." Ragini whispered slowly still with shocked expression on which Sanskaar heard someone calling him so he looked at that direction and found Ragini standing there with shocked expression. His facial expression changed immediately from innocent smiling one to raged and fear.

He started moving backwards on the couch until he found pillow behind him. He took it out from behind and threw it on someone which landed directly on Ragini's face bringing her out from her dreamland. She winced little while Lakshya immediately came towards her cupping her face.

"Are you okay ?" Lakshya asked with concerned in his voice on which she nodded in yes with small smile.

All this while they didn't notice Sanskaar stood up from couch and came near them and pushed Lakshya harshly grabbing Ragini's neck in his tight grip staring at her with ragged expression.

"You came here to kill me right. I know you wanna kill me." He said furiously with red face while Ragini started to chock in her breathing, struggling hard to push him. Lakshya immediately came behind him trying to push him but his grip tightened on her more.

Tears started flowing from Ragini's eyes and it became difficult for her to breath. Only one word could escape from her mouth which was Swara.

Lakshya immediately called her shouting her name on which she came out from listening loud noise outside. Her eyes widened in shock seeing the scenario in front of her. She immediately ran to Ragini and Sanskaar in order to save her from his clutch.

"Sanskaar leave her." Swara said trying to lose his grip but he didn't listen instead became more violent. On the other hand all were worried seeing this condition of both but couldn't get what to do while Sonu hided herself in the embrace of her Dida feeling scared.

"Sanskaar I said leave her. She is innocent." Swara said struggling hard to hold his hand but he jerked her angrily.

"No no no Teddy, she came here to kill me." Sanskaar again said furiously on listening this Teddy word Swara immediately looked at him with shock.

"Teddy....." Swara could murmur this word only still in shock which Ragini heard clearly glaring her angrily but Swara she was unaware of her gaze so to bring her from her dreamland Ragini kicked her foot on Swara's foot angrily which brought her out from her dreamland. She looked at her and found tears were continuously flowing from her eyes thus she immediately push Sanskaar with full force making him stumbled a little.

"I said no Sanskaar, Ragini didn't do anything she is innocent. Why can't you listen to me." Swara shouted angrily seeing the devastated condition of Ragini on which he looked at her with fearful expression and ran to his room while Sujata followed him after asking apology from everyone.

Lakshya made Ragini sit on the couch and gave her glass of water. She drank it in one go still sweating and started taking deep breath. Swara came with ointment and sat beside her asking her to show her neck and found it was fully red with marks of long fingers and nails. She stared applying ointment on her marks blowing airs on which Ragini winced a little glaring at her angrily.

Swara looked at her and found Ragini giving her angry glare, thus she looked at her narrowing her eyes as if asking what.

"Here he was strangling me with full force and all you cared is him calling you teddy." Ragini said irritatingly scrunching her nose on which Swara just sighed heavily without even saying anything..........

To be continued......................

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