Chapter - 23

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The Bose House or the mad house was completely in a great chaos with the noise going on there. One side dida and Sharmistha were quarrelling on what to pack for food items, other side Sonu was hiding behind Laksh who was jumping here and there in order to get saved from his wife urf drama queen Ragini as she got Sonu's drawing book in which she had drawn a large nose on her face and now she was burning in anger and running behind Sonu but Laksh was saving her and she was hiding behind him. On the other hand Sujata was getting pissed off while running behind Sanskaar as he wasn't listening her. Meanwhile Swara was watching all this with irritated face, she rubbed her forehead trying to calm her mind but all went in vein therefore she thought to bring all of them on the earth in her way.

"Enough everyone. Enough means enough. Is this my house or any fish market ?" Swara shouted in anger.

Everyone's head snapped towards Swara and saw her getting red in anger thus they grinned widely looking at her. Ragini who tried to move towards Swara, she showed her hand making her stop on her tracks only.

Sanskaar who heard her loud shout got scared and immediately closed his eyes tightly. He was standing in the middle of the hall thus he sat there only with crossed legs. Swara who watched this, narrowed her eyes seeing him like this and took step towards him but stopped hearing the bell.  She went to open the door.

"Swara, where is your daughter ?" Mrs. Sharma who was her neighbor asked with gritted teeths as soon as Swara opened the door.

Swara looked at her with confusion and turned around only to find Sonu standing beside Laksh and looked at her with 'Now what you did.' look.

"Swara, it's all your mistake only. Your daughter dance on your head because you have given her extra freedom that's why she does gundagardi everywhere. How could she beat my son ?" Mrs. Sharma spat in anger. Swara who was listening all this with confusion now got she was talking about the incident where Sonu had beaten Mrs. Sharma's son.

"Look Mrs. Sharma I know what my daughter did was wrong and I'm sorry for that but your son started all this. Didn't you ask him what he did that day ?" Swara asked maintaining herself as calm as she could on which Mrs. Sharma opened her mouth to speak but couldn't as she knew it's her son's mistake.

"And few minutes back you were giving me lecture that I'm giving extra freedom to my daughter then what are you doing. Instead of asking him about the complete truth you directly came to point out my daughter. Yes, I have given freedom to daughter but she never use that freedom to harm someone. I agree she should have not beaten him that day but if today I stop her and ask her to bear bullying of someone then in future too she will bear that instead of fighting back against wrong. And this is about our children, we should give them correct values and teach them how to handle the situation instead of blaming each other." Swara said calmly and looked behind and called Sonu with slight smile on which she ran to her Mumma with smile.

Sonu looked at her Mumma for a second on which Swara nodded her head with smile. Sonu who got her consent, took a step forward to Mrs. Sharma's son.

"I'm sorry, Motu. I have beaten you that day but you pushed me first and I don't take bullies of anyone." Sonu said with puffed chicks and cute pout holding her both ears on which Swara just shook her head unbelievably.

Mrs. Sharma looked towards Sonu who was still standing holding her ears. She looked at Swara again and that's when she realized she also had daughter. What if someone tried to bully her, would she teach her to tolerate bullies of others, Hell no. She came towards Sonu and caressed her hairs with smile.

"Shaurya, come here and apologise from Sonu for your misbehavior." Mrs. Sharma said turning towards her son on which he immediately obliged his mom and came towards her.

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