Chapter - 5

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The moment Sonu left from the dinning table, Sanskaar also stood up and left to his room looking down. Sujata and Swara shared a look looking at their children leaving the dinning table without even touching the food.

"It's all because of your son Sujata jii, if he would have not touched brownie then my grand daughter would have not been upset." Shomi said angrily.

"Excuse me, Sharmishta jii what is my son's fault in all this. He just wanted to eat brownie that's why he touched it. He didn't get any dream that your grand daughter would be angry for that." Sujata said with equal anger defending his son.

"Yes, you don't know anything that's why you are wandering around with your half mad son." Shomi said with sarcastic laugh.

"Enough Sharmishta jii, now you are crossing the limit. If you have this much problem with us, you should have not given us your room for rent." Sujata said angrily when she couldn't listen any rubbish about his son.

Before they could continue more Swara shouted angrily making them shut their mouth instantly.

"Enough both of you. What's wrong with both of you. Here, Sonu and Sanskaar left without even eating and you guys are busy in your so called stupid fight. If you wanna continue more, kindly go out of this house and continue but please don't create mess over here." Swara said with greeted teeth giving both of them a death glare.

"And I'm sorry Sujata aunty on behalf of my mother." Swara said joining her hand in front of Sujata and left to Sonu's room taking plate of brownie.

In Sonu's room

Swara came inside slowly and found sonu was sleeping on the bed hugging her teddy tightly. She came towards her and placed the plate on the table beside the bed. She could hear her daughter was sniffing silently on which she sighed heavily.

"Sonu." Swara called softly caressing her hairs but Sonu didn't budge a little.

"Sonu bachha, won't you look at your mumma now. Please get up." Swara again called her softly on which Sonu turned towards her and looked at her with eyes filled with tears. Swara took Sonu in her lap and wiped her tears rocking her back and forth.

"Bass bass itna nahi rote. Itni cute si aankho me itne bade bade aansoo (Don't cry this much , this much big big tears in this cute eyes)." Swara said softly.

"Mumma, I don't like sharing my things with anyone and specially when it's made or given by you." Sonu said still sniffing.

"Okay, you don't like sharing things so it's fine but tell me one thing?" Swara asked.

"What?" Sonu asked rubbing her nose which was slight red.

"In the morning when he came, you asked for his puppy, right (she nodded) and he gave you, right (she again nodded) what if he would have also denied saying I don't like sharing my things then. "Swara said wiping a lone tear which was still there in the corner of her eyes on which Sonu looked at her listening her carefully.

"He didn't deny, right (she nodded) because he considered you as his friend and moreover he called you Gudiya too, you liked it no (she again nodded with smile). Sonu Bachha, this much possessiveness is not good, and we can share with our friends right (she nodded), so when he can let you play with his puppy won't you share your brownie with him?" Swara asked looking at her.

"I'll share my brownie with him, Mumma." Sonu said with smile on which Swara kissed her forehead.

"So, let's go you know your friend is also angry so you need to convince him." Swara said and together both left to his room.

Reaching near his room they find Sujata was going inside taking plate of food.

"Aunty, wait." Swara called her from behind on which Sujata stopped.

"Aunty if you don't mind, let me and sonu go, Please." Swara said on which Sujata nodded looking towards both of them.

They entered inside his room and found him sitting near window gazing outside.

Before Swara could have reacted anything Sonu ran towards him and started pulling the hem of his shirt on which he looked at her for sometime then again turned his face looking outside.

"You are angry on Sonu. You won't talk with her." Sonu said and again started sniffing looking downwards. Swara moved towards her but before that Sanskaar knelt down.

"I'm not angry on you, Gudiya. You were angry on me. I'm sorry." He said with slow voice holding his ears.

"I'm not angry now and it's okay. I'm sorry too." Sonu said holding her ears.

"No sorry, okay. "He said and wiped her tears with his palms and removed her hands from her ears.

"Okay, so let's eat brownie. Mumma says, sharing is caring." Sonu said and took plate from Swara's hand and came towards him again.

"Will you give me? You know it's my favourite. "Sanskaar said with slow voice.

"Mine too." Sonu said with smile.

Meanwhile Swara was looking at them silently with smile playing on her lips.

"Mumma, feed me." Sonu said turning towards Swara on which she nodded with smile and came towards her.

Swara started feeding Sonu with her hands while Sanskaar looked at both of them silently. Sonu found him looking at them.

"You want mumma to feed you too?" Sonu asked looking at him on which he shook his head in No vigorously.

"Mumma you feed him too." Sonu said to swara with smile on which she looked at Sanskaar who was looking down in the plate.

"Sanskaar." Swara called him on which he looked at her then brownie in her hand. He opened his mouth slightly and swara placed brownie in his mouth.

Then Swara started feeding both of them one by one with her hand.

"How's brownie? I know my mumma makes the best brownie." Sonu said with smile on which Swara returned her smile back.

"Yummy. Brownie is yummy." Sanskaar said wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

This all scene was witnessed by Sujata who was looking at them from outside. She smiled wiping her tears and left from there.

"Sonu, you both be here and play. Mumma will come after somettime and yes don't do mastii." Swara said to Sonu on which she nodded in yes with smile and Swara left from there.

Swara came outside and found Shomi sitting there with dida and Sujata was going to kitchen.

"Aunty, wait a minute."Swara called her from behind on which Sujata stopped and turned towards her while Shomi and dida too looked at her.

"Maa, whatever happened today wasn't good." Swara said coming towards her with blank face.

"Shona, what's wrong I sai...."

"Maa, I don't want any explanation. I understand you got angry seeing Sonu leaving but it doesn't mean you will speak stupid things to someone." Swara said maintaining the same expression.

"Aunty, we don't have any problem with you and your son and I'm making you sure whatever today happened, it won't be repeated in future. I'm sorry." Swara said to Sujata softly feeling guilty .

"It's okay Swara, I'm habitual of this taunts. Nothing new for me. I'm sorry too I should have also understood your situation. But my son isn't mad." Sujata said lowering her head while Swara, shomi and dida looked at her.

"Maa, I hope you know when someone raise finger on your child, what you feel." Swara said looking at Shomi with some unknown expression on which she looked at her trying to read her face.

"Instead of saying sorry to me, you both say sorry to each other which will be better. Every mother is concern and possessive for their children so I hope you both understand." Swara said looking at everyone and left from there.

To be continued..................

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