Chapter 1

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A/n hey guys! So this is my first story! Let me know what you think, hope you like it!

GUYS I HAVE BEEN TOLD BY NUMEROUS PEOPLE TO ADD A HUGE TRIGGER WARNING ON THIS WHOLE BOOK SO YEAH SUICIDE AND EATTING DISORDERS AND SELF HARM ARE ALL IT THIS BOOK SO READ WITH CAUTION! (you can now ignore the trigger warnings at the start of some chapters cause its needed for the whole book tbh)

Adopted by them?!

Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of Mrs Smith shouting at me from the doorway of my "room." "Get up you lazy brat! There are people coming to adopt a child today, not like they'll pick you anyways!" she laughed, before returning to her office downstairs. I got up and grabbed some clothes from my closet, just leggings and a tank top, nothing special. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and wore my peace sign necklace and black combat boots. I heard a knock on my door before and little girl named robin walked in and told me the guests were here. I loved robin, she was only 7 but she was like my little sister and she stuck by me through everything. She was also the only one at the orphanage who liked me.

When I first came to the orphanage I was friends with everyone, but as I grew up I became rebellious. When everyone here found out what I started doing they saw me as a freak and would never talk to me after that. I hate my past and there are some horrors which still give me nightmares and have lasting affects but hey, that's life I guess.

I walked downstairs and joined the line of people to meet the guests, Mrs Smith was right, they'll never adopt me, they were 5 seconds of summer for flips sake. They weren't that famous yet but I love their music and they're touring with One Direction at the minute so I reckon they'll be pretty famous soon enough. "Hi, I'm Emma" I said as Luke approached me. "Hi Emma, I'm Luke and this is Ashton" he pointed to the one with curly hair, "Calum" he pointed to the tanned one, and "Michael" he said as he pointed to the one with the crazy hair. Of course I knew who they were but I didn't tell them that, I didn't want them thinking I was crazy or something.

I walked off to my room, not wanting to watch the other girls try and impress the 4 hot assuies anymore. I went to my drawer and took out my blade, I loved this blade and it was there with me through everything, much like robin. I went through to the bathroom and dragged the cold blade across my skin. I did this several more times, watching the red lines trickle slowly down my arm, calming me down. I was upset that they won't adopt me, there's no point denying it, but this feeling makes everything better... for a while.

I washed my arm and put my blade back in its hiding place, I jumped when my door opened and the four boys walked in. I looked at them curiously for a minute. "Do I have something on my face or is there another reason you are starring at us?" Luke laughed.

"Sorry, I just, I, uhh" I stammered at a loss for words.

"How old are you sweetie?" Ashton asked, smiling at me from his seat on my bed.

"Don't call me that" I replied so harshly I even surprised myself.

"Sorry?" he replied looking confused

"I'm sorry okay? I just know you'll never adopt a freak like me so I don't know why you're trying..." I trailed off, turning my stare to the floor in embarrassment. Well there goes my chance for sure.

The 4 boys left the room looking quite hurt, UGH why do I screw everything up?! I threw myself on my bed and put my earphones in and curling up in the corner of my bed. Holiday by Green Day came on making me smile, I loved this song so much (A/N listening to holiday as I write this :'))

The door opens once again and the 4 boys walk in smiling at me. Now it was my turn to look confused. They looked at each other before yelling at me at the same time, "We're adopting you!!" Inside I was of course happy but I don't want to get close to them. I have my own plans for life and they can't get in the way of that. I know that living with them and touring with them that it will be so difficult to avoid opening up to them and revealing my past which I have kept hidden for years behind the walls I've built around me.

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