Chapter 1

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(I have updated the chapters and added an Epilogue. Don't be afraid of telling me if something seem off. I notice that sometimes Wattpad doesn't like when you copy and paste so it delete some dialogue. I search through it and think I got everything but in case I missed something, alert me, please. Either way, enjoy!) 

The air twisted and screeched in a purple sky. Creatures beyond one's imagination looked up at a wretched portal absorbing anything in its path even the magic in the air. Dark shadows screeched as they were ripped to pieces by the portal. Then it halted. It took a more stable form and a character could be seen on the other side. The visage of a young boy with broken bones and wounds covering his little body. He reached out into this realm for power. To gain aid.

A shade crawled carefully towards the frightening portal into a new world. It wanted to leave this realm. To feed on unsuspecting victims. So it took the leap. The portal closed behind the shade but still let it through. The twisted creature now stared at a blue sky and sensed all the people living underneath it.

It would not survive in this world. Not without a host. The shade sniffed the air for the right kind of properties for him to feed on. Fear. Anger. It needed those to feed on. Then it sensed it. The person perfect for his desires. His new host...


A head covered in blond, shaggy hair on a thin body walked timidly along the lockers. Two emerald eyes looked around to find something familiar in this strange environment. It was new to him as he had just transferred though all the other students had arrived a month earlier.

Blake Oakley wandered slowly down the corridor of Vale Academy, a private school by the Caban-Coch reservoir in Wales. It's just a street away from the local village Mactire located by the Claerwen Valley. If you walk over the Gareg du dam you will enter Elan valley and the Elan village.

Forest and dams. That's all there is in this area.

Blake's family was poor. They lived in a humble village in the district of Kingsland. His village had farms, a fire station, a rugby club and too many inns for such a small village. His family are farmers and could hardly afford a decent school but with a bit of luck and an artistic side, Blake was able to get a scholarship to Vale academy. A school so elusive it wasn't even on the map.

Blake straightened his clothes trying to hide his bruises. He was happy to have left his old life behind as his bullies could not follow him here. Though, he had not dared enter the school's art club called the Art Guild, which had granted him the scholarship, until the bruises had faded.

A goth boy hollered at Blake down the corridor. Alex Lloyd was his roommate and fortunately very kind, despite his scary exterior. Blake himself was relieved that he was able to make a friend. Coming from a village where everyone knew each other did not prepare him for a new life filled with strangers.

"Bloody hell, it's cold outside. The mist sure lays thick in the old forest. Alright, Blake?"


Blake gave his friend a shy smile and Alex pulled out a thick scarf from his bag. He looked like he had two layers of clothes. Blake couldn't understand the need for such a thick layer of clothes in late summer but he didn't want to argue. His uninspiring answer did not bother Alex either who merely clicked his tung.

"Good morning, sunshine. Ready for a day among the snotty delinquents?"

Quite an accurate description. Vale Academy was for the wealthy but most was sent here because of some dreadful deed they did at home. They were sent out to the lush countryside as a repercussion of their dastardly deeds. There were some exceptions, though.

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