Chapter 2

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(Here comes a picture of Jaxon Price as I pictured him and the second chapter. Enjoy!)

Blake and Alex snuck under the stands. The lessons were done for the day and they went on a break.

"Why are we standing here?"

Alex lit up a cig and inhaled it with a sigh.

"This is the best place to smoke without having a teacher nag. Though I suppose coach Kai must surely know of this place with his sense of smell."

Blake looked between the stand towards the field in the hope of seeing some of the players. Or to be specific. A player.

"Is he sensitive to smoke?"

"Not really. More like, a bloody good nose. Like a hound. Looking for something? Or someone?"

Blake shook his head furiously and avoided Alex's eyes. But did sneak a few glances at the player with the number 15. That was Jaxon's number after all.

"Well, though I wouldn't want to ruin your jolly good time but you need to go to the Art Guild. They did give you the scholarship so it would be proper to actually show yourself at least."

Alex started to walk towards a building behind the main one as Blake quickly followed.

"What if they don't fancy me?"

"Fancy? I'm fairly sure that has nothing to do with it. They gave you a scholarship for your artistic talent, not for your personality. From what I hear the Art Guild has plenty of unique personalities that no one fancies. But they are good at painting, photograph or creating music. Whatever you art nobs do."

"I paint, mind you. Then are you in the journalist club? Maybe the Literature Club. I cannot really imagine you as an athlete."

"Firstly, I would be an impeccable athlete if I wasn't so bloody sluggish. Secondly, I hardly write my essays so why would I join the nutters that write or read for amusement. Thirdly, I'm in my own club. I call it to slumber your day away club."

"You sleep all day?"

"Mate, I'm knackered. Naturally, I sleep."

They enter the giant building which belonged to the Art Guild. They went up the stairs and Alex stopped outside two giant wooden doors. He knocked before entering.

The room was enormous and light filled every corner of it. A young man around Blake's age stood at the center in front of a canvas and Blake had to rub his eyes as he could swear that he saw some orb of lights fly around the man. When he looked back the orbs were gone and the room seemed a bit darker than when he entered.

The man's brown eyes turned to them and he gave them a gentle smile. He was dressed in a white silken shirt and looked like a prince from a fairytale.

"Mr. Lloyd, It's a rare pleasure. Might I ask what you doing here?"

"Bloody hell, you sound old. You may be a senior but merely by one year. No need to sound like an old fart."

"Charming Lloyd. But you did not answer my question."

"Right! You might ask what I'm doing here."

"Hilarious. What do you want?"

Blake tried to speak up but the words were stuck in his throat. It didn't help when the man turned to him and Blake turned crimson under his gaze. Why must he be so timid?

"This is Blake Oakley. He-"

The man interrupted Alex and moved towards Blake.

"Ah, Welcome Mr. Oakley! We have waited for your arrival. Though we were a tad worried when you did not arrive last week. We feared you might not have found the Art Guild."

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