Chapter 8

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(Above the chapter is a Picture of Kai Price, coach Price. Here comes the chapter 8. I hope that you will enjoy it!)

Blake curved into a ball forcing his eyes shut. Images of the wolves hunted him. When they had reached the festival, a crowd had greeted them with judging eyes. Jaxon's girlfriend had been there and Blake could have sworn that he had seen a smirk on her face. He could see a drunk Aeron as well rushing through the crowd trying to find Jaxon who was not there. Leon had rushed towards him. He immediately grabbed his wrist. "Where is your bracelet?"

Blake had just shaken his head. He had left it in his room as he could clearly see that Jaxon had not liked it. "His leg is hurt," Alex had said and Leon had answered that he would find a healer. Why did they say, healer? Did they mean a doctor?

He had soon gotten his answer as a gentle elderly man came. His hands were warm and glowed with a bright light as the wound healed itself when he touched it. The elderly man had first not wanted to heal Blake but Leon had assured him that Blake was soon to be informed of the otherworldly at it might be easier for him to accept that world if he saw it do some good.

Blake opened his eyes and listen to the murmured voiced from the hall. He lies in his dorm room waiting for someone to give him answers. Preferably, before he went insane. If he wasn't insane already.

Then Blake heard a familiar voice. Hadrien's voice. He got on his feet and limped a few steps before he realizes that the wound really was gone and went over to the door. He opened to meet Alex, Leon, Principal Price and Hadrien in the hall. Hadrien was wrapped in a blanket while he was covered in dirt. Blake saw a twig in his hair and before he stops himself he had reached out to remove it.

Hadrien who was in a haze flinched. "Stop, don't touch him. He's a tad unstable-" Principal Price was interrupted when Hadrien pushed him away from Blake with a growl. He didn't stop Blake from removing leaves and twigs from his hair and seemed to calm down though his eyes were still on Price.

"Can't you keep your mutts in line. Aren't you suppose to be an alpha?" Leon huffed while keeping his eyes on Hadrien who hardly has spoken more than a few words since he got here. "That's bloody stupid, Leon. He is clearly new. A newly chosen has a hard time differentiating between his wolf and his human mind. The thing Blake seems to pet right now is very likely to be his wolf," Alex said but he didn't let Hadrien go with his eyes either. Most likely to ensure that he didn't snap at Blake.

"How am I supposed to know such a thing? I have not been chosen by an animal spirit," Leon said slowly.

"Then stop judging like you know everything. He defended Blake with his life on the line. Some bloody respect is in its place!"

"I would appreciate if you both be silent, Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Graycrest. Hadrien is still on edge and needs calm and quiet," Principal Price said and walk down the corridor to Hadrien's room.

"Are you okay, Hadrien?" Blake asked softly. He had ignored the others as what they said only made him more confused. Hadrien did not look at him but he still had the eyes of a wolf. He leaned on Blake and put his head against his shoulder without looking at him. Blake ruffled his hair.

"He seems fond of you," Leon said while frowning at the strange behavior.

"Yeah, it's weird. Normally a newly chosen would be hostile of everyone around them," Alex muttered and Blake could clearly see that the behavior disturbed him.

"Didn't you say that he turned to protect Blake. Has it something to do with that? Some leftover instinct from Hadrien," Leon suggested.


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