Chapter 21

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(A picture of Elaine Harwen. The Queen witch of Elan Academy. I hope that you like chapter 21 for here it comes!)

Blake strides over the mostly empty field of Elan Oaks. It was November and few people camped during late autumn so the field was empty. All except for one lonely trailer who stood in the dark of the night. Jaxon walked over to the trailer and gestured for Blake to follow him.

"Where is the party?"

"In here," Jaxon nodded to the trailer. Blake snorted as he looked over at the trailer. "You must be joking. Are we all going to squeeze into a small trailer with a cup of hot chocolate?"

Jaxon smirked at that," you might but fae parties rarely have any hot chocolate. They have homebrew alcohol made from honey, mountain dew and sap. Sweet as hell, and strong as well. That is their slogan for it. Calls it Spirit Nectar. Sip it gently or you will be wasted in a moment."

Blake was about to argue when Jaxon opened the door to the trailer and loud music burst out from it. Blake gawked, beyond the doorway was an entire interior of a house. Way to big to fit into the trailer but then again, he walked through a door into a tree so maybe this wasn't as peculiar. What else are you going to do with magic other than transforming a trailer into a secret party place? Wonder if a camper ever found himself inside a house when he just wanted to steal a neighbor's frying pan.

They both squeezed into the trailer and they pretty much were rushed by the rugby team who all wanted to greet their alpha. Blake was pushed out of the way, but he didn't mind as the large crowd of big bodies made him nervous. He saw a familiar face on the outskirts of the crowd. Hamish Macrae stood in the corner and looked really misplaced. He kept looking nervously down while holding a red cup. His clothes were way too big for him and Blake could have sworn that he saw some stitches on the clothes. Weren't all people in Vale academy rich?

Blake walked over to the familiar face while avoiding all of the other people as he didn't know them.

"Hamish," he hooted, Hamish looked up and the nervous face turned into one with a bright smile as he recognized him.

"I'm surprised that a druid would come to a party," Blake said with a smile. He actually felt safe with Hamish as he was not as intimidating as the others in the school. Hamish seemed to be a tad awkward but a gentle soul.

"The Chief Druid Keir told me to come here with Haley. He said, quote, it would do you both good to act like normal teenagers for one night," Hamish laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, then you're here with Haley?"

"Yeah, he was the one who was invited, but he wanted me to come as well. I really didn't want to as his teammates often... They like to mess with me, but I didn't want to disappoint Haley," Hamish answered while blushing. Blake tried not to smirk. Another thing they both had in common, they both seemed to like men.

"I must ask you, why do you call him Haley? Isn't his name John?"

"Yes, but he hates his name. Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a name like John? Every kid in the team is named John. After a while, he just rather be called Haley. Easier to differentiate between them."

"Yeah, that or James seems to be the name every Englishman goes for when they aren't sure what they want to name their child."

An awkward silence fell over them before Blake broke it when he remembered something he wanted to ask about.

"Hamish, I been trying to figure something out, but no one seems to be able to answer me. Or can't, back when I lived in my hometown I got hurt and unknowingly to me I summoned a group of Druids for help. I had already gotten home when they arrived but no one seemed to be able to answer who they were. Do you remember any Druids that went to the village of Kingsland, a tad off by the city Leominster in Herefordshire?"

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