Chapter 18

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(A picture of Shamus Graycrest, from earlier chapters, he will show up later as well. I hope you will like chapter 18.)

Jaxon inhaled deeply outside Blake's room. He tried to calm his nerves but it went into overdrive when he noticed several different scents in the air. It was like a rainbow of different smells.

He knocked anxiously at the door and was just about to do it again when it flew up and hit Jaxon straight in the face. He groaned and was just about to growl at the person in front of him when it turned into a miserable whine. Blake's emerald eyes looked back at him. Big and innocent.

"Are you okay, Jaxon? I'm so sorry," Blake said in dismay.

"Nice hit, Blake!" Alex's voice sounded in the background and Jaxon's happy smile went to a scowl. He looked past Blake only to stare at the sight. There were a lot of people squeezed in Blake and Alex's, though he didn't matter to Jaxon, room.

Hadrien sat on the floor while Leon and Alex sat in Alex's bed. The guy who smelled like ashes sat on Blake's bed with the little rabbit who viciously scratched at his hands while he pulled his ears with a sinister chuckle. Not to mention the guy was in a black pajamas though Jaxon couldn't figure out why.

Blake must have noticed Jaxon staring for he seemed to answer Jaxon's question. "That is Prince. My guardian, you know the spirit who will guide me. Along with Coney who also is my guardian. He... Prince, why are you in a pajama?"

"If we are going to have a sleepover then it's only suitable to wear proper clothes for the occasion." Prince didn't even spare them a glance.

Leon frowned at that. "Two guardians? Did you make a contract with two spirits? And you have summoned them both in physical form at the same time."

"Mr. MacGreine said the same thing. Apparently, I have a massive amount of magic in me."

Prince snorted at that, but no one asked more. Jaxon just scowled at Prince. The bloke was far too handsome for comfort. He practically screamed sex. Jaxon was distracted by Blake though who grabbed onto his sleeve and pulled a thrilled Jaxon inside. Blake looked outside like trying to see if someone had followed him which Jaxon thought looked adorable before closing the door behind them.

"Sit down, please. I would like to discuss and brainstorm about the black wolf and the attacks."

Blake sat down beside Prince and saved the little rabbit from Prince's torment. He snuggled with the little rabbit, who protested to being treated like a pet but settle down in Blake's lap.

Jaxon tried to sit down beside Blake but Leon sat down beside him instead. Jaxon stared at Leon who gave him a smirk. Jaxon muffled a grown and sat down beside Alex who patted his back.

"So where do we begin? We haven't figured out any bloody clues which would lead us to the wolf or magic caster behind it," Alex begun when the silence had gone on for a tad too long.

"That's what I hoped we could fix. There must be some clues. We merely must have missed them!" Blake said eagerly and Alex nodded in agreement.

"Well, then. Let's recollect all the events. Let's start with the first attack. What happens? What did you see?"

"I worked late on an art project. It must have been near midnight as the full moon was high when I went home. It was dark. I heard a growled. Turned around. I saw a black wolf with glowing yellow eyes."

"Shapeshifters are often restless during full moons. Though they are rarely violent. Mostly, they just run around naked or eat all the food in their vicinity," Alex nodded.

"Pas tout à fait vrai, I know some of the shifters, who are rather violent. Seen some of them on the team. Especially among predators. They often have anger issues and not to mention an urge to hunt," Hadrien countered.

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