Chapter 16

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(A picture of chief Druid Fingal Keir. Here comes chapter 16. Enjoy!)

Jaxon could feel his heart beat faster. Blake was stiff in his arms and they both didn't even dare to breathe as the wolf slowly stalked them. It was in the middle of the day, though it was Saturday so fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, no one was around.

The black wolf turned its eyes to Blake who trembled and grabbed hold of Jaxon. Nightmane roared in his mind and Jaxon pushed Blake behind him and let out a dark growl towards the wolf that didn't even flinch. Was it an alpha?

"Jaxon?" Blake asked with a voice shaking with fear.

"Don't move until I say so," Jaxon whispered back and hoped that he sounded calming or at least confident.

He truly was not. The wolf didn't give off a scent, none at all, he couldn't even determine what rank it was. It refused to look him in his eyes, which normally was a good thing as that would mean that it didn't want to challenge him, but the way it looked at Blake suggested it was more because of a lack of interest in Jaxon.

"Back away slowly," Jaxon said while he released all his alpha pheromones in hope of subjugating the wolf or at least make it back off. The wolf didn't even react. Its eyes glowed dangerously as it showed is fangs in a menacing manner. This wasn't working. He needed to let Nightmane take over and hoped that his wolf could handle the other wolf.

Jaxon was just about to tell Blake when light hit his face. Blake's ring glowed for a second before a white and golden blur threw itself at the wolf.

"I'll protect Blake!"

"Coney, no!"

Jaxon stared at the bizarre scene as the wolf had a little cute rabbit viciously scratching his face. It took a few seconds before Jaxon reacted. "Blake, go. Into the conservatory. Don't come out. I will help the rabbit. Go!"

Blake hesitated for a second, looking like he wanted to argue before he turned and ran into the conservatory. Jaxon heard a horrifying screech as the black wolf had bit down and shook the little rabbit.

"Dammit!" Jaxon let Nightmane take over and with a raging roar, he threw himself at the wolf. His entire body turned into a wolf in a mere second and his own fang grabbed onto the wolf's neck and bit down. Hard.

The black wolf whined as he let the rabbit go. Nightmane was in a blind rage.

"Subjugate him!" Jaxon roared from the wolf's mind but Nightmane didn't listen. He wanted the wolf dead. Three times had it gone after Blake. Nightmane wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be a fourth time.

He bit down hard to try to break the wolf's neck, but the wolf slammed him against a nearby tree. Nightmane let go and whined when the wolf's teeth reached his own neck. Jaxon screamed in pain as something was seriously wrong. A burning sensation spread through his body and forced him back into his human form.

The black wolf had let him go with a huff and slowly stalked towards the conservatory.

"Dammit!" Jaxon grunted. His neck was bleeding unnatural black blood and dark veins slowly spread along his body. He looked over at the little rabbit who whined in pain. The little rabbit's entire body was covered in black veins. What the hell was going on?

Poison? Jaxon growled as he tried to crawl towards the conservatory to protect Blake, but darkness slowly spread and with a last groan he lost consciousness.


Blake pulled a bench towards the door. Dammit. He abandoned Jaxon. Coney. Dammit. He turned around to ask the druids for help but froze as he realized that he was alone. There was no one in the conservatory.

Primalcraft: Scourge of the Wolf (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now