Chapter 12

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(A picture of Blake's Guardian, Coney. Enjoy!)

Blake couldn't help but to groan as he drowned in books. He had for almost two weeks tried to make up his mind on what on which guardian he should summon. No one fitted what he wanted of them and those who did were gods. Leon had already claimed that gods did not accept contracts as they only wanted worshippers, not proteges. Time was up.

He would have to show his contract tomorrow and he already had decided to go with his Chinese zodiac. He had first not wanted to go with the Rabbit as it reminded him of Jaxon's nickname of him, but he felt drawn to it. Blake rose and reached for his bag. Leon had already prepared the necessary things for summoning the Rabbit.

A purple jasmine. He had to turn to the cardinal point of the beast that guards his constellation. It had taken forever to determine this. The White Tiger of west guards the Aries so he had to turn to the west. He had a paper with a brush and ink.

Blake followed the instructions of Leon. Turn to the west. Devour the jasmine. Paint the Chinese sign for rabbit on the paper. Burn it and pay your respect. He had closed his eyes when he paid his respect. Blake followed all the instructions, but nothing happens. At first, he assumed that something had gone wrong. He opened his eyes and stared at the extinct fire. A small golden rabbit sat in its wake.

It sniffed with its cute little nose and blinked with its big eyes. Its ears dropped and only twisted when it started to skip toward Blake. Blake who had sat down to pay his respect earlier soon had a rabbit crawling up in his lap.

"Well, hello," He said but let out a scream when the Rabbit answered.


Its voice was almost like a child though Blake wasn't sure if it was male or female. He had no intention in lifting the rabbit to take a look.

"I have been summoned to be your guardian!"

"Right," Blake said as he waited for his heart to calm down. He let the Rabbit bit his finger as blood was necessary to form a contract. Then from the wound came a golden thread that healed his wound to then wrapping itself around his finger forming a golden ring with the Chinese sign for rabbit on it.

"It's proof of your contract and our bond. You can summon me with it."

"I understand. I won't take it off. What should I call you, if I may ask? I cannot just call you rabbit."

"Names does not really concern me. I prefer rabbit to be honest"

"How about Coney? It's an old word for rabbit."

The rabbit scratched his nose when he thought about it.

"It sounds fine. I accept." The rabbit vanished in a flash of bubbles and Blake started to clean up all the books. He had wanted a stronger guardian in case the wolf comes back but Leon had assured him that he could have several guardians. Most witches or druids had form contracts with several magical sources. Just not at the start of their training.

He was just about to pick up the only book left on the floor as he froze at the sight of it. Had he read it? It was rather small, wrapped obsidian leather and burned at the corners. It had a strange symbol that looked like a fish, lion, eagle, dragon, and a human wrapped in one. He frowned in confusion but put the book back into the bookcase. 

Blake turned around when he heard a loud thud. He circled back to see the book laying on the floor again. A frown formed on Blake's face as he picked it up again and put it back. This time when he turned around the book smacked him right in the head before falling to the ground.

"Okay, I can take a hint."

He leaned down to pick up the book. He opened it only to stare at a language he has never seen before. The pages were covered in symbols. It wasn't in Arabic, Russian, Runes or any of the written asian languages Blake has seen. Blake had no chance to interpret it and closed the book. He felt pain spread along his finger as he had cut himself on the book pages. He licked the blood off his finger with a sigh and put the book into the bookcase. He turned around for the fourth time when he heard a strange sound. Like that of fire crackling.

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