Chapter 3

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(A picture of Aeron Evans. Here comes the chapter 3. It's rather short but the story is picking up. Enjoy!)

Blake yawned as the night had fallen and the building was quiet. He had come to the Art Department to paint for the last two weeks. He wanted to impress his fellow artists with his painting so he had worked overtime. It must be close to midnight as the moon was high in the sky. It was full tonight which gave him plenty of light in the dusky night.

"I better pack up."

Blake cleaned and put the tools away along with the paint before covering the painting carefully so it wouldn't be smeared. He put out the lights as he went out and walked out into the backyard. A shiver escaped him as the cold night air hit his face. The forest covered the moon and it was so dark that Blake was unable to see his feet before him.

The main building was quiet as well and it would take a while to walk to the dormitories. He had considered calling Alex but wasn't sure if he was asleep. Besides, it wasn't really fair to let Alex walk alone in the dark to get him when he didn't dare do the same.

He started to walk slowly and watched the dark trees move in the wind. It was creepy outside and he could swear that he heard something behind him, but when he turned around he saw nothing. He speeds up the pace but came to a halt when he heard footsteps behind him clear as day.

Blake slowly turned around and was paralyzed by what he saw. A giant, black wolf with golden eyes. Blake inhaled slowly and the wolf showed its teeth. When a growl escaped the wolf, Blake turned around and ran. He screamed for help when he heard the wolf follow him. What the hell did a wolf do here? Did Britain even have wolves?!

"Think, think, think!"

He couldn't outrun a wolf. It would be insane to even try. He needed to climb. Wolves cannot climb. At least he hoped so as he threw himself at the closest tree and started to climb. A scream of agony escaped him as the wolf's fangs bit down on his heel. With every bit of adrenaline he could muster, he hanged onto the branch as the wolf growled and tried to drag him to the ground.

"Let go! Help!!"

Blake was suddenly freed and did not give it another moment thought as he started to climb. He could hear growls, roars and something that sounded like hissing. It wasn't until he was safe up in the tree that he looked down to see a battle being fought between the wolf and... A cat?

A giant cat. A lynx? No, it looked like a smaller leopard with a long, furry tail. It wasn't nearly as big as the wolf but it surely was ferocious and the wolf seemed confused. It clearly hadn't expected resistance from a cat. Apparently, it was too much for the wolf as it snarled at the cat before it ran away into the forest. Blake watched it go but turned his gaze toward the tree trunk as he could hear a rattle. When he looked down the cat tried to climb the tree towards him.

"Go away!"

The cat froze and looked up. It didn't look dangerous but it was too big to be domestic so Blake didn't want to take any chances. The cat's golden eyes looked at him for a while before it jumped down and started to run away.

Blake was shaking and his leg hurt as it was bleeding. He wasn't sure he would be able to climb down without falling down because of the pain. If he lost consciousness if he falls then he would be an easy target for the wolf if it came back. All he could do was clinging to the tree and hoping that someone would find him.


Nightmane ran through a forest chasing the little white ball of fur. Jaxon could feel Nightmane's joy. He loved the chase. The power of the hunt. The white rabbit ran as fast as he could but Nightmane was faster and smarter. Nightmane's black fur raced through the trees as he avoided roots and stones. Now he could hear the little animal's frighten breath. His erratic heartbeats. With one leap he threw himself at the little rabbit who let out a weak squeak.

Jaxon opened his eyes and groaned as he stared at his ceiling. When did dreams become insanity? He had dreamed about turning into his black wolf form and hunting a white rabbit since he had met that boy... What was his name again? Blaine? Blake?

It was one thing that he thought that the boy looked like a white rabbit but another to keep dreaming about chasing one every night. He was sure that if he asked Aeron or Kai for advice then they just would tell him to go shag his girlfriend.

Jaxon grimaced and got off his bed. He went out to the kitchen and met Aeron who was ransacking the fridge.

"Well, hi there, sunshine. Having a hard time to sleep under the full moon? It makes me want to turn into a wolf and howl in the backyard. I'm sure that your mother would appreciate that."

"Remember your first full moon? Wildfang took over and ran through the woods. You woke up naked the morning after in Elan Valley. "

"Don't remind me. I had to walk naked through Elan village while the Graycrest's asked if I needed some clothes. Their girls were cute though."

"Yeah, well. It's not the full moon that has me in shambles."

Jaxon explained his predicament while Aeron frowned throughout his explanation.

"So you saw a boy you thought looked like a cute rabbit and now your dream every night that you are chasing a rabbit. I hate to say it, but you should try to call your girlfriend."

"And say what? I keep dreaming about chasing a white rabbit. Can you come over? Or maybe I should mention the boy to Jessie. She will clearly fancy that."

"How about I'm horny as fuck? Please, shag me!"


"She's a fae. Shagging is what she does."

"That's racist."

"Look, our problems often come down to lust. Either shag your girlfriend or that boy and your problems will solve itself. "

"I'm straight!"

"So am I! but we are stuck in a school for boys. You will have to make do. There are plenty of boys willing to help. Have you seen the foxes? They pull up their tail for anyone."

"Firstly, that's racist. Secondly, I have a girlfriend. I don't have to make do. I just don't want to use her just for sex."

"What else would a girlfriend be for?"


"Fine, do as you want. I'm just saying that your problems are easily solved."

Jaxon sighed. He should have known that Aeron would be of no help. They both froze when they could hear people moving at a fast pace through the house. They both looked at each other before going towards the people. His two brother dressed in haste as they talked in a hushed voice with a boy.

Jaxon recognized the Asian looking, goth boy as Alex Lloyd. Then they started to move towards the door Jaxon pulled on Elliott.

"What's going on?"

"A human has been attacked by a wolf."

Jaxon felt cold shiver grow along his spine.


"We don't know who attacked the human."

"That's not... Who was attacked?"

Elliott turned to face Jaxon. His gaze perused Jaxon's face and there was a painful moment of silence before he answered.

"A transfer student. His name is Blake Oakley."

Primalcraft: Scourge of the Wolf (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now