Chapter 10

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(A picture of how I see John Haley. Enjoy chapter 10!)

Jaxon waited for the majority of the teammates to leave before walking up to John Haley in the locker-room. He didn't want to confront him in front of too many people as that would most likely trigger his wolf need to show dominance. John Haley didn't even look at him and just put on his hoodie trying to hide his face. He most likely knew what this was about.

"Hey, Haley. We need to talk."

"No, we do not."

Jaxon could hear the stress under Haley's aggressive statement. He really didn't want to do this, but Aeron had pushed it onto him because he was an Alpha while Aeron was just a Beta. If things went out of hand, then Jaxon was technically better equipped to handle the situation.

"This is the fifth fight this month. You send the last two guys to the healer."

"They asked for it."

"No one asks to be sent to the healer."

Haley slammed his locker and looked him straight in the eyes. Jaxon could feel Nightmane growl in his mind. He was ready to face the challenger, but Jaxon was not and averted his eyes. Haley huffed, clearly disapproving of Jaxon's refusal to confront him.

"Have you met us werewolves?"


"Whatever. You can call us by whatever name you want but that does not change that we are aggressive bastards who crave fights. Hadrien got his wolf yesterday and Mark is already picking fights with him."

"Mark is a cock!"

"Sure, but he does not pick a fight with every Beta and Alpha in view because he's an asshole. He picks a fight because his wolf demands that he fight to prove himself."

Jaxon didn't agree but did not want to argue. Haley was turned a year before Aeron, but he still only received his wolf three years ago. It was only natural that he wasn't able to control his wolf or adjust to his new life yet. From his perspective, they must seem like wild animals.

"I'm not like that."

"You should be. You are the fucking alpha. The leader, Jaxon. The Betas act like rabid dogs because you won't get them in line and all others suffer for it."

Jaxon growled a grabbed onto Haley's jacket. Haley didn't even flinch as his eyes glowed in a golden light. Jaxon inhaled slowly and forced his heart rate down. This wouldn't solve anything.

"Aeron and I have spoken and decided it better to let you go. You're off the team until you can control yourself. We cannot put your needs before the rest of the team."

Haley chuckled bitterly and pushed Jaxon out of the way. Jaxon did not look around, but he could hear Haley's last words clearly.

"At least the team has a real alpha now. Maybe Hadrien can do a better job than you."

Jaxon punched Haley's locker with a roar which with a creaking, bent in an unnatural shape. His entire being told him to go and rip Haley's head off but he just focused on the one thing that seemed to calm Nightmane down. Blake.

Those emerald eyes which looked like they were in so much pain and that sad back. Nightmane let out a mournful whine which Jaxon shook off.

"Woah, I sure hope that locker learned its lesson."

Aeron had walked into the locker-room and stared at the mess.

"He didn't take it well I assume."

"He took it surprisingly well. Told me to grow a pair. To actually be an Alpha!"

Aeron walked over and tried to fix the locker. After a few seconds, he seemed to declare it dead.

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