Chapter 19

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(Picture of Pyramus Marshall. Here comes chapter 19. Happy easter and enjoy!)

It was Monday and all the lessons were finally done. Blake had a private class with later to determine his element. Leon had urged Mr. MacGreine to teach Blake elementalism as it was the most offensive of the Natural magics. It would come in handy if the wolf attacked again but first Leon and Blake would make a visit to Pyramus Marshall the Master of the Dark Arts.

Blake only knew Pyramus as the teacher of Art. He was a fairly young and incredibly handsome man with a Romani origin. He looked mysterious and seducing which made girls sneak into the school to take a peak and young men envy him or in Blake's case admire him from afar. It had never occurred to Blake that he was a member of the Elan Coven though he is a gypsy so magic might be a part of his culture.

Leon walked over to Blake with a gentle smile which Blake returned. He noticed that Leon seemed on edge as he kept looking sideways at Blake.

"What's the matter, Leon?" Blake asked when Leon's didn't utter whatever he wanted to ask.

They had started to walk over to the Art Guild. The leaves had started to fall as November had arrived and Blake had to push himself through a bunch of leaves as no one had removed them yet.

"I merely wanted to inquire about your mental wellbeing. I was surprised to know about your encounter with Jaxon Price at the festival. I hadn't known you were close," Leon seemed to jump around the question. Blake blushed as he thought of the answer.

"We aren't... That close. I just... I misunderstood. He asked me to dance with him at the festival. Seemed to get jealous. I assumed he was interested in me. It was silly of me. Now it seems it's not him who is interested in me but his wolf," Blake said with a humorless laugh. "It seems like wolves really like me!"

Leon looked over at him with a complicated look on his face. "Are you interested in him?"

"Does it matter? He is not."

"Your emotions matter to both me and your friends. They should matter to Jaxon as well. So, are you?"

Blake stared at the building which was their goal. He wondered if he should run into the building and hope Leon forgets about what he just had asked. With a sigh, he decided it wasn't worth it and answered.

"I kind of do, I'm not sure if it's a mere crush or if I'm... If I want something more. I can't seem to get him out of my mind. When I'm scared, I want to be held by him. When I'm happy, it's because of him. When I'm hurt, he is the cause. My life seems to have him in the center."

Leon gave him an expressionless face before answering with an unusual neutral voice. "Have you told him about this?"

"Well, No! But he knows. I have told him that I thought he was interested in me."

"You need to tell him your feelings for him. Not his feelings for you. This is Jaxon we're talking about. If you don't spell it out for him, he won't get it."

Blake rolled his eyes as he agreed. Jaxon may be the cause of all his joy and stress, but he was far from clever. Seems like you can't have looks and brains after all.

They entered the building and went over to the theater department. Blake knew that Pyramus was the drama teacher as well but didn't know that his office was in the theater department.

He saw Pyramus in the theater looking at the props while mumbling to himself. He had long brown hair which curled over his shoulders. He had a white loosely fitted shirt which showed his chest and a finely groomed beard which made him look like a dashing rogue from a fantasy novel.

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