Chapter 24

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Haley ran towards the first circle. He transforms his nails into claws and started to scratch the marks. Blake noticed that Ciaran nodded encouragement to Haley, they must be in the right track, while Elliott and Jaxon tried to open the door. Blake inhaled as he turned to Fingal Keir to try to distract him. He seemed pretty out of it, to be honest.

"Why? Why did you want me dead?"

"You... You have no idea, do you? What you are? What you can do?"

Blake frowned but focused on Keir. "And you do?"

"I know... I know more than you can ever imagine. I know what you have done! I am the survivor of your powers!"

"That day... in my village. Something happened. What?"

Keir started to scratch his cheeks leaving wounds on his face. Was he always this unstable? Suddenly his eyes went wide like he remembered something. He slowly turned to Haley who had started to go to the next circle to scratch it. Blake needed to get his attention again. He grabbed onto his fire gem, Arsios, and could feel it burn against his mark which had started to glow when it was charged with fire magic.

Blake pointed his mark towards Keir and prayed that it would work this time. He had trained with Leon but never been able to use this fire spell without making it explode in his face. He focused on Keir's robe. Imagined it erupting in a fire.


Blake called out the simplest of all fire spells. The one to conjure fire. Keir let out a screeching sound as his robe caught on fire. He stomped on it and screamed out a counterspell. "

Blake tried not to flinch as he saw Keir easily extinguish the fire but it did the trick as Keir turned towards Blake with a raging expression."The little freak has learned some spells. You forget that I am a druid. A master in elementalism! Do you really think that a little fire can stop me! I am the Head Druid!"

"That didn't stop you from using Dark Arts, did it?" Blake mocked with concealed terror as black blood had started to drip from Keir's mouth. What the hell was going on? Is this what happens when you use Dark Arts?

"It was necessary! I couldn't merely kill you. I needed to make sure that you could never rise again."

"What? Why do you even think that I am dangerous? I'm a bullied sixteen-year-old boy with no previous knowledge of the supernatural world."

"It doesn't matter what you are. It's what you can do that matters. You are an abomination. You shouldn't exist!"

Blake huffed as he felt pain rush through him. "You know, my father said the same thing when he found out I was gay. That was before he beat me up, so let me tell you what I should have told him. I don't care what you think I am or should be. I will be judged by my action and not what you think I am."

Keir looked furious before suddenly... He turned serene. His eyes were blank before a creepy smile slithered onto his face. "You are trying to distract me. Yes, I see it now. But I don't need to focus on the beast to stop him. No, I don't. I just need to make you bleed."

Blake suddenly felt something cut his cheek. His hand darted to his cheek to feel the blood run along his face. Keir chuckled grimly, "A little trick I added after the first attack. You didn't even notice that I took your blood after I bandaged your leg. The other two attacks, well, I didn't need to do anything."

Blake looked at the blood and remembered his leg during the second attack and his nails during the third attack. Both times he was bleeding. He turned towards Haley who had become really quiet. Haley stared at him with glowing yellow eyes. Fur started to grow on his body as he convulsed over at suddenly a black wolf stood in his place with teeth on display as he growled in a frenzy at Blake.

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