Chapter 4

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(A picture of Alex Lloyd. Here comes the fourth chapter. I hope you like it!)

Blake snuggled into his blanket while the medic bandaged his heel. Blake looked up at the man with hair colored like chestnuts and sharp blue eyes. The same eyes as Jaxon. Though there were not many other similarities. He had a suit which made him look sophisticated.

Blake had met this man before. Elliott Price was the principal of Vale academy even though he was young. The man beside him was Kai Price. The coach and gym teacher here at Vale Academy. He had made Blakes life a living hell as Blake was nowhere near athletic enough for his class.

"Mr. Oakley, can you please repeat what you just said?" Principal Price asked gently while Coach Price frowned at him. Alex was hiding behind Principal Price and Blake wondered how he had heard of this incident. He should be in bed.

Blake sighed. He understood why he needed to do this. His story sounds insane.

"It was a wolf, sir."

"Are you sure?"

"It looked like a wolf, sir."

"But we haven't had a wolf in Wales in what, a thousand years?" Coach Price grunted but avoided Blake's scared eyes. He didn't look like he didn't believe Blake though.

"Are you sure it wasn't a dog? A husky, perhaps?" Principal Price suggested and Blake frowned. Now he started to second guess what he himself saw.

"Maybe. But it was far bigger than any dogs I have ever seen."

"I see, but fear has a tendency to twist the truth."

"And it was chased off by a cat?" Coach Price said sharply and Blake winced by the sound of his harsh voice.

"Well, it kind of looked like a cat. But to large to be a housecat."

"There has been no lynxes in Britain for 700 years." Principal Price said mildly. Blake wondered why he assumed he talked about a lynx but he didn't say anything. This was the Principal after all.

"It didn't look like a lynx. It looked like a smaller leopard. With a long, fluffy tail."

Alex came out from Elliott's back.

"Sounds like an Asian golden cat. Yep, it definitely was an Asian golden cat. Probably from China."

Principal and Coach Price glared at Alex who just shrugged.

"So I was attacked by a wolf, which doesn't exist in Wales, and was saved by a Golden cat from China. That makes me sound sane." Blake muttered.

"Can I please go back to my dorm now. I'm knackered!" Blake groaned as his leg throbbed. He was too shocked and tired to be shy. He just wanted to sleep.

"Mr. Lloyd, take Mr. Oakley to his bedroom. You both need some sleep while we will attempt to track down whatever did this."

"Got it, boss!" Alex gave Principal Price a halfheartedly salute before leaning down to help Blake up on his back. Blake put his arms around Alex's neck while Alex hooked his arms around Blake's legs. Alex started to walk away with Blake on his back.

"What, mate?", Alex asked as Blake frowned at him.

"Nothing. I just... You are stronger than you look."

"Are you saying I look scrawny?"


Alex laughed at that but didn't even seem to struggle as he carried Blake on his back. It looked rather surreal.

"By the way. Why are you here?"

"You rather I'm not?"

"That's not it! I'm just surprised that you are here. I mean, why would Principal Price fetch you before he comes to me?"

Primalcraft: Scourge of the Wolf (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now