Chapter 23

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Jaxon watched the sky which was dark with clouds. Typical British weather. He waited for Haley who had agreed to meet him over at the park between the rugby field and the main building. There were not many students here as the cold winter was closing in as it was the end of November. Most had started to move their activities indoors. It was too cold to train rugby now and the team had started to move on to basketball and gym training.

Hadrien stood at the main building to watch them as Haley was known for his violent temper. Hopefully, he would at least try to listen to Jaxon but Jaxon didn't feel confident. Not after, abandoning him in his time of need. Jaxon must admit that he had ignored Haley even when he clearly needed help during his change into a wolf.

The guy felt too much like a loner and Jaxon had always liked to be in groups. This had most likely resulted in Haley seeking help among the druids which had led him to be the victim of the druid's curse. It haunted Jaxon, and he needed to fix this.

Haley walked closer to him with a cautious look on his face. Last time Jaxon had wanted to talk to him alone it was to kick him off the team. Jaxon waved him over and tried to look calm. Not an easy task when he is the bearer of bad news.

"Is... Is something wrong, Alpha?" Haley asked slowly as he went closer. He looked over at Hadrien who avoided his gaze. He was perceptive at least.

"I wish I could say that nothing is wrong but, I have some bad news. No, bad is an understatement. I need you to be calm and listen to what I have to say," Jaxon mumbled. His words only led to confusion for Haley and Jaxon scratched his head in a sigh. "You haven't been feeling well, right Haley?"

"I'm better now," Haley said quickly trying to avoid his gaze. Great, now he was afraid and lying.

"There is no need to panic. You haven't done anything wrong. Well, that is a lie but it's not your fault," Jaxon mumbled.

"Dammit, let me start over."

"You know about the attacks on Blake. The one made by a black wolf," Jaxon started but Haley interrupted him with an angry look in his eyes.

"That wasn't me. I wouldn't attack someone. Well, not someone I haven't even talked with. I mean, someone who hasn't pissed me off. I... Shit!"

"Calm down! Breathe, and listen."

"NO! I'm not standing here letting you accuse-"

"Shut up and listen!"

Jaxon's word came out in a loud growl as his eyes glowed. Haley's body grew rigid as he shut his mouth.

"The black wolf has a curse on him. He is being controlled by magic. A druid to be exact. We tracked him down yesterday to warn him and help him. The tracking spell led us straight to you, Haley. You were shagging the druid boy in the forest," Jaxon explained quickly. That caught Haley's attention. He didn't look convinced, but he seemed to at least ponder over what Jaxon had just said.

"A curse? Controlled by a druid. Are you nuts? Wait, you can't think that Hamish would do something like this! He wouldn't!"

"Agreed. Blake thinks so too and so does Leon Graycrest. The one who did this has years of experience. Experience Hamish doesn't have. But he wasn't the druid you came to for help, was it? " Jaxon said with a soothing voice.

Haley looked uncertain as he paced back and forth on the grass. "I'm unsure, I met many druids who examined me and gave me advice."

"Yes, but the druid would have to use magic on you constantly. He needed to be physically close to you."

Haley slowly started to remember something. It was apparent in his gaze, but he also seemed to be more and more sure that Jaxon was lying. "You... He wouldn't... This is insane. Have you ever thought that Blake might be lying!?"

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