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Hello everybody, I am just going to tell you that I have just published the book as  an e-book and as a paperback. It contains the first book with two extra chapters along with a sidestory called Primalcraft: Premonition of What to Come that is on my Patreon. 

It will be available on most shops that sells e-books from what I can tell, and the paperback is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SPSXFZK

keep an eye out for it!

I am so happy, ecstatic and completely panicked. According to my it was the same feeling she had when she was giving birth. I don't even know what to say to that :P

If you would like to support me without paying than consider writing a review on Goodreads or on Amazon kindle. 

Primalcraft: Scourge of the Wolf (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now