Chapter 14

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(A picture of Prince. Here comes chapter 14!)

The morning light shined through the window onto Blake's face. He grimaced and tried to find a spot that didn't have sunlight. Unfortunately, his bed stood in the way of the light each morning and even though it was Saturday he still woke up early.

Blake groaned and opened his eyes. It took a few seconds to adjust his eyes, but he soon saw clearly. He almost had a heart attack when his eyes met two fiery ones. Prince stood over him watching him sleep!

Blake let out a high-pitched scream which sends both Coney and Alex out of their bed.

"Bloody hell! Where's the fire?" Alex exclaimed with a dazed voice. While Coney ran around in Blake's bed yelling danger.

"Right over here, darling!" Prince said and pointed at himself. Alex rubbed his face before staring at Prince with a frown.

"Blake, is this one of many men you keep inviting to our room?"

Blake groaned at threw a pillow at Prince who just looked pleased with himself before he frowned at the rabbit.

"You shouldn't sleep with vermin!" he said and pushed the rabbit off the bed. Coney struggled stubbornly but it was a lost cause as Prince was far too big for him.

"Words to live by," Alex muttered with a frown. Blake could hear him sniff the air. "You new boy toy smells like ash, Blake."

"Ala, he wishes that he could tap this, but I have a very particular taste," Prince said and ripped off Blake's blanket.

"Why are you bothering me in the morning, Prince?" Blake muttered and curled into a ball, refusing to get up.

"His name is Prince?" Alex asked with a snort.

"Prince of darkness to be exact but you can call me Prince.


"Dusox! Yes! Like whatever person, you thought of that isn't me. Get up, Blake! I have a task for you."

Blake groaned, "can't it wait for a few minutes?"

"Are you sure? You will need to talk with that handsome boy, Jaxon!"

Blake almost fell off the bed when he heard the name. Alex just mumbled oh boy and curled up under his blanket.

"Who is Jaxon? The wolf?" Coney asked while he tried to jump back onto the bed only to fail and land on the floor.

"Yes," Prince said and rolled his eyes. Like that narrowed it down.

"The blond one with a funny accent, the one colored like a tree trunk or the blue-eyed one that keeps staring at Blake's bottom?"

Alex snorted at Coney's question and Blake turned scarlet.

"The last one," Prince said, amused by Blake's reaction.

"He better not be staring! Not after what he did," Blake mumbled and rubbed his cheeks in hope of them going back to their normal color.

"Though that sounds like a fascinating story, I would like us to focus. I need you to ask him to take you to see the wolf spirits."

Alex reacted and sat up, "the Price families wolves? Only those who wish to be chosen by a wolf will be taken to their sanctum. What are you playing at?"

"No wolf will enter my protégé, but he will need to train how to summon and communicate with spirits."

Blake frowned at that, "why do I need to learn that?"

Primalcraft: Scourge of the Wolf (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now