Chapter 13

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(A picture of Clover. I hope you enjoy Reading chapter 13!)

Blake proudly lifted Coney up in front of his teacher Ciaran who frowned at the rabbit before looking at Blake.

"You pass, but you didn't have to manifest your guardian. It had sufficed just to show the proof of your contract. Which is the ring in this case."

Blake put down Coney on the desk and Coney skipped happily around while inspecting the vacant classroom. He had been the last one to show his guardian. Blake had a suspicion that it was in case he had failed. He was a newbie to the magical world while the others in the class received training since they were young. Many most likely already had a guardian.

"I know, but I practiced summoning after establishing the contract yesterday and Coney didn't want to leave after that, so I let him be with me."

"I need to protect you at all times!" Coney huffed and hit his little pawn into the desk. Ciaran eyes went wide.

"Wait, since yesterday. That's... How are you feeling? Feeling ill? I should have told you about this in detail."

"I'm feeling fine. Told me about what?"

"Fine. That's not possible. Is it? Are you feeling fatigued?" Ciaran had grabbed onto Blake's wrist to sense his heartbeat.

"No, I feel good. "

"Remarkable. How much magic do you have? No, you can't possibly answer that. Summoning rituals gather magic in your vicinity to summon spirits into a physical form. But the ritual has a time limit. When the magic has gone out then the spirit cannot stay here. After a contract, you can summon the spirit by using your own magic. If the spirit stays here in a physical form, it will draw from your magic. As you can guess, most witches or druids aren't able to keep them here for long without exhausting their powers."

"I needed to stay with him. I should have done it immediately. Then I could have hunted the other back. He's wicked and vile."

Ciaran looked at Coney. "What other one?"

Like to answer that question, a hand grabbed onto Coney's ear and lifted him up. Prince stood by the table and looked at the struggling rabbit with disgust.

"So, this is the rodent which thinks it's my equal."

Ciaran stared at Prince with an open mouth turned to Blake for answers. Blake saved Coney from Prince's grasp. The rabbit made cute but angry noises at Prince who stared at his hand which he had held the rabbit like it was covered in mud.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard someone slander my name and came to defend it."

Prince brushed off his hand and turned to Blake with a smile. "And my little protégé decided to brag about a rodent instead of his real guardian. Truly hurt my feelings."

Blake ignored him and looked at Ciaran. "I accidentally formed a contract with this thing after I formed a contract with Coney." He pointed at Prince and Prince just bowed at Ciaran like Blake just had introduced him.

"Proof of the contract?" Ciaran merely asked without letting Prince go with his eyes. He clearly was cautious of Prince who didn't seem to mind. Blake showed him the medallion. Ciaran was just about to grab onto the medallion when it glowed and burned him. He hissed and stared at Prince who smirked confidently.

"My apologies. I do not trust the greedy hands of mortals."

Ciaran turned his eyes to the symbol on the medallion and inspected it before he shook his head. "I have never seen it before."

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