Chapter 17

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(The above picture is of Ciaran MacGreine, The teacher in Natural and Arcane magic, Enjoy!)

Blake helped Jaxon sit up. He had stopped throwing up but was still pale and clearly in pain. Blake rubbed his back and gave him a gentle smile which Jaxon tried to return. Blake removed his eyes from Jaxon's face when he heard footsteps coming closer. Alex and Hadrien ran into the scene.

They both stopped and started to sniff, Blake wondered if it was natural for shifters to use their sense of smell first before looking around. Hadrien started to growl when he smelled blood. Alex just wrinkled his nose with a grimace before looking around. He looked over at Jaxon who was covered in blood and splatter from the black vomit. Then his gaze turned to the pale Blake who looked like he had seen a ghost before turning to Elliott and Prince.

"What in bloody hell happened?"

Hadrien had run up to Blake and gave him a look over to make sure he wasn't hurt before asking Jaxon if he was okay.

"The black wolf attacked again," Elliott said with a tired expression.

He looked frustrated. Without a scent, they weren't able to track or identify the wolf and right now they only have theories.

"Again? It has attacked Blake three times now. Two might be a coincidence but three? That is a pattern," said Alex and clicked his tung while inspecting the ground like he was looking for tracks.

Elliott scowled at that. "You have a point. The black wolf has only attacked Blake."

"You only figured that out now?" Prince replied with an expression that showed that he clearly wasn't impressed.

"Blake is new to the magical world. He cannot have that many enemies, " Alex concluded while he stood up to help Blake and Jaxon onto their feet.

"Well, if the rumors had spread about his abilities... We wolves were afraid that he might have the ability to rip a wolf spirit from its host."

Prince snorted at Elliott's words. "Ignorant wolves. Do any of you have at least a basic knowledge of the Arcane? You cannot merely rip a soul out of a body. Not easily at least and not by any natural inborn ability."

"That is all fine and well but that wouldn't explain the first attack. The wolves found out about Blake's abilities after the first attack," Alex mumbled and held up Blake while Hadrien held onto Jaxon who looked dizzy. Blake got a strange feeling. Something gnawing in the back of his head.

"If it is tied to his ability then no one knew about it during the first attack, Not even Blake from what I understood," Elliott sighed and rubbed his temple. Blake locked eyes with Prince who gave him a knowing smile. He knew something. Then it hit Blake.

"Someone else knew. A large part of the Elan coven knew. That's why they invited me.When they arrived, I was gone. I don't really remember much but I had a broken leg. But I just... got up and walk away. My leg was fine. My wounds were... gone. The druid had sensed a lot of magic at the scene of ... my attack according to Leon Graycrest. They told the Elan Coven and they invited me with a scholarship."

Elliott silently watched Blake before cursing under his breath. "They never told me."

"Should they?" Blake asked in confusion.

"Of course! If you healed a broken bone with magic... By accident. Then you must be immensely powerful. Maybe even dangerous. We would have to take precautions to make sure that you are taught well. Not to mention if there was a residue of natural magic and your healing abilities then you might have been chosen by a wandering animal spirit. Shifters have an enhanced healing ability. Enough to heal a broken bone easily. We would have to make sure you aren't a shifter."

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