Chapter 22

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(A Picture of Millie Ackner from last chapter. Here comes chapter 22. Enjoy!)

Dammit! John Haley. He is a black wolf and had some anger issues but... Hadrien and Alex had come over to Jaxon. They kept hidden as they watched Haley get up to try to find his shirt as he and his "friend" tried to leave.

"Who is that?" Alex nodded at Haley.

"John Haley, a rather good-hearted fellow but with anger issues," Hadrien answered, he was studying the other guy.


"Oui, who is the other guy? He smells of herbs and earth. A druid?" Hadrien wrinkled his nose as he smelled the air.

"Yeah, we need to leave!" Jaxon grunted, Hadrien and Alex looked over at him with questions written all over their faces.

"Why?" Alex asked while they followed Jaxon who hurried off before they were discovered.

"The other guy, the druid. I saw him talk to Blake. They seemed to be friends," Jaxon said as he felt his heart sink. The one who put the curse on Haley needed to be physically close to him. Can he be the one? But he is friends with Blake! Why would he want to hurt him?

"Blake will surely not be happy to hear that," Alex muttered, Hadrien nodded in agreement as they reached the clearing where Leon and Blake were waiting. Jaxon tried not to grimace as he could still smell dark magic in the air. It smelled like smoke and rotten bodies had a baby together.

Blake looked up at them with a pale face while Leon rubbed his back.

"Did you find the wolf?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, some dude named John Haley. A beta in the rugby team. Wait, was he the guy who got kicked out for being violent?" Alex halted in front of Blake with a wondering expression.

"I threw him out after he got in a fight with Mark Rowe. I let him back in again," Jaxon mumbled and Hadrien looked over at him with an unreadable look on his face.

"Haley got in a fight with Rowe because he was protecting me. The same can be said about the earlier fights. He protected the witches on the team."

"Sounds to me like he is a good guy," Leon shrugged. Blake agreed and so did Jaxon. Haley had problems with his wolf, but his heart is in the right place.

"Well, at least we have identified the wolf. If we follow Haley around, we should be able to find out who it is that put him under a curse," Blake mused.

"That's not all we found. He was with someone. A druid. Look like a naive nerd with glasses," Alex sounded with a dubious voice. He clearly had a hard time believing that a scrawny kid could put such an advanced curse on his own lover.

"You talked with the guy at the party," Jaxon clarified, and Blake looked even paler.

"Hamish? He is, well, I'm suspecting he is dating Haley. He wouldn't... I mean-"

Blake took a deep breath and calmed himself. Jaxon saw color returning to Blake's cheeks before he continued, "he told us that he was taking care of Haley, remember? Giving him herbs for his anger."

"Ah, that's where I recognized him from. I couldn't pinpoint it. Well, either way, that makes him a suspect," Alex shrugged after the revelation.

"I'm not as sure. The teacher of Dark Arts, Pyramus Marshall told us that this kind of curse was very advanced and not even he could perform it easily. You will need to have years of knowledge and experience. Two things a seventeen-year-old boy lack," Leon mused as he had started to clean up the mess made by them.

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