Chapter 9

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(A picture of  how I imagined Hamish Macrae. Here is chapter 9. Enjoy!)

Jaxon looked at Hadrien with watchful eyes. Joshua had left his brother at rugby practice a few minutes ago and Jaxon had started to practice with the team while Aeron shouted commands from the background. With Kai gone, Aeron had to step up as the captain and train the new recruits.

Jaxon wasn't the only one who had turned his gaze towards Hadrien who didn't look the least bit interested. Dale stood by his group of Betas with a pout that slowly started to turn into a smirk. Jaxon could only assume Dale was pleased with Hadrien's new status as an alpha. Though from the looks of it, Hadrien was not giving Dale any attention. Hadrien just looked over at the stands with a searching gaze. Jaxon could feel himself shudder. Who was he searching for?

He soon snapped out of it as trouble was brewing. Mark Rowe had bumped into Hadrien who to Jaxon surprise actually stayed on his feet. Even if Hadrien had got a few more muscles since his transformation, he was still tiny compared with Mark. Hadrien's eyes flashed but he just smirked at Mark who looked annoyed. Jaxon moved closer so he could hear what they said.

Another one entered the argument and Jaxon cursed at the boys while speeding up. John Harley came up from behind Hadrien and had told Mark to piss off. Damn this was not good. Mark grabbed onto Harley's shirt and within a few heartbeats, he laid on the grass moaning as Harley had hit him square on the nose. Harley growled at Mark and stalked closer to him.

"Hadrien, hold him!" Jaxon shouted and he could see Aeron coming closer as well. Hadrien just shrugged with a bored look and Jaxon cursed again when Harley started to beat Mark senseless.

Harley had anger issues as a human and as a wolf, he was far worse. Mark hit back but he was not as violent as Harley. An arse, yes, but more bark than a bite.

Jaxon was finally there and with a growl, he ripped Harley off Mark. Mark got on his feet with a growl and tried to go after Harley but Hadrien stepped in between. Hadrien's glowed in amber light and with a grim expression, he headbutted Mark who fell unconscious. Hadrien let him fall to the ground with a bored expression.

"I asked you to stop them!" Jaxon hissed angrily. Why the hell had he intervened now?

"And I did, chéri. I doubt that Mark will get up anytime soon," Hadrien shrugged before smiling at someone coming towards them. Jaxon frowned and looked closer at the boy who clearly wasn't supposed to be there. His heart almost stopped as he recognized the little rabbit running towards them.

"Hadrien, are you okay?" Blake panted and stopped in front of Hadrien who smiled at him.

"Oui, no wounds here. But I must confess, I do wonder how you would have been of any help in this situation. You are not really strong enough to handle two rugby players by yourself."

Blake was clearly embarrassed. Jaxon could hear him muttered that he hadn't really considered that. Did Blake rush out to help Hadrien? No, that can't be. Hadrien, on the other hand, had clearly handled the situation so that Blake wouldn't have been involved.

Jaxon could hear a whine come from his throat as he wanted Blake's attention and he mind slapped his wolf. He almost fell over though when Blake strictly avoided looking at him. Jaxon could smell... Anger? Hurt? But he hasn't done anything... Has he?

Hadrien looked from Blake to Jaxon and Jaxon winced when Hadrien met his eyes straight on. That was a challenge between Alphas.

"Hey lads. Behave! We have a guest. Be on your best behavior. Mark? Why are you on the ground? Mark?" Aeron had reached them and his cheerful voiced echoed in the field. Aeron kicked Mark with a frown.

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