Chapter 7

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(Greetings! A picture of  how I imagine Hadrien Dufort to look like. The plot picks up. I hope you enjoy it!)

Jaxon sneaked along the corridor trying to not look the least suspicious as he moved towards his goal. He probably wouldn't have looked so suspicious if it wasn't because of how he crawled along the walls towards the Art classroom. This was enemy territory and he didn't want to encounter a Graycrest along the way.

He soon saw the room which was his goal and looked around to ensure that no one was there. He opened the door to see a strawberry blond head by a canvas. Jaxon almost let out a sigh of relief as it felt like he just had eaten something after starving for hours. He watched as Blake bit his pink lip as he moved the brush over the canvas with utmost concentration. Jaxon was curious about the painting but didn't want to interrupt.

At least not until he heard someone come. Without thinking he threw himself into the room and slam the door behind him. As soon as he did he could feel himself sweating as he could feel Blake's gaze fall upon him. At least Blake was the only one in the room.

"Jaxon?" Blake's weak voice burned Jaxon's ears as he had wanted to hear his voice all day. It still sounded like the loveliest music to his ears.

"Ssshhh...alom" Jaxon's voice broke and he mentally slapped himself. When the fuck did he become Jewish?! It was apparent that those were Blake's exact thoughts as he frowned at Jaxon.

"I took a summer course in Arabic!"

"That's... Nice but shalom is a Hebraic word."

Jaxon felt like slamming his head against the wall. Stop digging your own grave, dammit! He forced himself to smile brightly before grabbing a chair and pulling it close to Blake.

"So... Are you coming to the Harvest festival tomorrow?" he asked as he sat down on the chair while trying to look cool. He stretched himself a bit so Blake could have a good view of all his muscles and by the looks of Blake's crimson face, it worked.

"My leg still hurt so I don't think I can stay for long and I absolutely won't be able to dance but Alex has promised me to help me to the festival," Blake mumbled and he seemed to try focusing on painting.

Jaxon wasn't sure what he felt right now. He was ecstatic by the thought of seeing Blake tomorrow but less so by the thought of Alex being by his side. Jaxon wanted to ask about their relationship but decided that it was too transparent.

"Oh, you must dance. There will be plenty of girls from the Elan academy!"

Blake froze at his words and he frown. Did he say something wrong? Blake started to fidget as he stammered something. "What?" Jaxon asked and leaned forward.

"I...I'm... kind of... gay."

"Kind of? Just sometimes?"

"No! I fancy men all the time."

Jaxon chuckled at Blake's outburst and looked quite satisfied with his answer. Of course, he was gay. Look at him! He was even more beautiful than any of the girls at Elan Academy. It would be an utter waste to have him date a girl.

"Oh, won't Alex dance with you?" Jaxon said carefully. Damn smooth, you idiot!

"He will have to carry me along for the entire festival. He shouldn't have to carry me around on the dancefloor too. That is a bit too much to ask of a mate," Blake chuckled and Jaxon almost melted when he heard it. If an angel laughs, that is what he would sound like.

"Well, I can dance with you if you want," Jaxon cleared his throat before utter the sentence. Blake looked up at him with surprise before giving a shy smile.

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