Our Only Wish to Catch a Tag

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*points to header media* Silz, the tag maestro, has outdone herself with this marvelous tag.

1. Pick a scene(s) your readers don't ask or comment about much, but that you are secretly very proud of. Why did you choose it. What do you love.

#1. This scene is from The Claw, chapter 2, in which we meet Inspector Dickson (and his considerably less integral partner, Inspector Harris) for the first time. No spoilers, so read on, frens. XD

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I love this scene for a couple reasons

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I love this scene for a couple reasons. I feel like it introduces Inspector Dickson, a character whom the readers are going to have conflicting feelings for throughout the book, with the perfect blend of humanization and professionalism. It also does a fantastic job of summing up Dickson and Harris' somewhat asynchronous relationship, and I just adore watching the two of them bounce off each other.

#2. Also from The Claw. Again, no spoilers involved.

 Again, no spoilers involved

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