I Should Be Doing Anything But This (Face Claims But Not Really)

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I should be doing anything but this. Welcome to Verity's character face claims but, like, not really.

I have an antipathy towards creating character face claims because my characters are already too vivid in my own head. I will never, never say that someone's face IS my character's. They can get really close, but they will never be my babies.

That said, here's a few faces that could conceivably impersonate a character of mine.

#1: Mordred

This picture is great because not only are the facial characteristics almost entirely on point, the expression is SO Mordred

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This picture is great because not only are the facial characteristics almost entirely on point, the expression is SO Mordred. Locking down on something, as usual. Can't you just see that "don't touch me" look?

Why did I start doing this? Now I just want to write *groans at half-finished social media posts*

#2 Sorta-Derek

Ever since Prince Caspian, Derek and Peter Pevensie have been inseparably connected in my head. Mostly because of that one scene where Prince Caspian says, "I just thought, you know, you'd be... older" and Peter returns, "Well, if you like we can come back in a couple years." Tell me that wasn't a Derek line. Tell me he didn't say it with the exact brand of Derek irony and arrogance.

So one time I clipped a screenshot from a Prince Caspian soundtrack on YouTube and labeled it "Peter looking like mah boy Derek". I have no intentions of ever deleting it.

He looks a little like him, too, in a way

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He looks a little like him, too, in a way. He's blond, obviously, but there's always hair dye...

#3: Robert Thorne

Unless you have read My 'Deia, you have no idea who I'm talking about, but while writing him the picture of Mr. Philips swam into my head and now it is irrevocable. A lot skinner than Brick, prudish, blond hair and fishy blue eyes.

 A lot skinner than Brick, prudish, blond hair and fishy blue eyes

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#4: Ladeia

She kind of looks like Samantha Barks as Eponine in Les Miserables (2012) but I'm not including a picture because she only looks like her in really specific moments and Ladeia's skin tone is darker.

#5: Berethar

I don't know how long Sean Bean's been canon for Berethar, but it's been a long time

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I don't know how long Sean Bean's been canon for Berethar, but it's been a long time. Funnily enough, Berethar did start out as the Boromir-parody in the Mycrai family, but he no longer looks quite the same.

#6: Finath's smile

Finath doesn't look like Aragorn. But Finath's smile looks EXACTLY like Aragorn's smile. The quietude yet sincerity in it, the way his face creases around the grin.

Now I want to write Finath again

I really, really, like you have NO IDEA, want to share one for Douglas, but he happens to be a guy I know and his Instagram account is private so yeah no

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I really, really, like you have NO IDEA, want to share one for Douglas, but he happens to be a guy I know and his Instagram account is private so yeah no.

That's all I've got. Idk who's been tagged.

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