Let's Go a-Tagging

80 7 33

Tagged by NamingSystemIsStupid (ages ago, as usual)

*pulls up pre-Village Mordred* Let's have some fun. What's your name?

Mordred: *chin up, wary* Mordred Kenhelm.

Good, good. Age?

Mordred: Eighteen. So?

What job would you most like to have?

Mordred: *angrily* What are you driving at?

Look *sigh* Just answer the questions, all right? The point is not to mock you.

Mordred: I'd like to know what else the point is, when the only job I have doesn't even earn me money, and I'm not likely to ever get another one. If you think you can con me into thinking you have a chance to offer, well, you can think ag--

Calm. Down. *another sigh* Hello, volcanic activity. Does this mean you don't have any job you dream of doing someday?

Mordred: *practically spitting his words out* I dream of doing anything outside this sadistic, sordid excuse for an orphan asylum.

Well... I guess that answers the next question, i.e. your goals in life.

Mordred: Then you're wrong. My goal in life is to get Fenris outside this sadistic, sordid --

Okay, I gotcha. You might like to get yourself out while you're at it though. No, don't interrupt me; we have another question. What are your favorite foods?

Mordred: *unmitigated scorn* You think I have the luxury to pick and choose favorites in my meals?

I know this is hard to believe, but the intent behind these questions is not to humiliate you, and people who struggle to find their next meal can still have food preferences. So please put a raincheck on that pride and tell me yours.

Mordred: *tosses head in a not-at-all-humble acknowledgment of defeat* Quail is fine when you can get it.

*eyes next question* What's one thing you love about your country?

Mordred: *incredulous eyebrow arch* *mouth opens*

Can you think of one possible thing?

Mordred: *angrily* No!

*long silence*

Mordred: Fenris is in this country. Although he shouldn't be.

Good enough to move on from. What is one thing, one thing, you hate about it?

Mordred: *mouth opens*

I said one thing.

Mordred: *giving me a death glare* Everything.

*martyral smile* Be specific.

Mordred: Being despised by the entire population and pitied by the occasional despicable few.

You and I aren't hitting it off too well today... don't think I've ever done a tag with you this young. What are some of your country's customs? (Your answer should not have anything to do with orphans this time.)

Mordred: How am I to know where my country's customs differ from another's?

What about the words you use to show respect/deference?

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