I Need to Be Doing Five Other Things

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Building my author website (I'm so lost help branding copy font layout template words aaaaack).

Editing The Village (I actually WANT to do this).

Writing SaS (where has my motivation gone).

Depositing a check (ugh).

aaaaand I can't think of a fifth thing, but it's out there somewhere for sure.

Anyway. Instead I'm writing this random book entry about my OTHER new obsession.

A.K.A. assigning Andrew Peterson songs to Legea characters.

I've been listening to AP for about a year -- since I got introduced to his books, the Wingfeather Saga, by nightwraith17 (and discovered at the same time that my dad liked his music.) Somehow, on Saturday, sitting in my room with my sisters with Andrew Peterson playing on YouTube, we ended up discussing which Legea person embodied the current song best.

And the next song.

And the next.

It was an exhilarating and surprisingly emotional pastime. Andrew Peterson's songs are full of vivid imagery, wrestling with hard questions, and deep Biblical truths.

1. Serve Hymn - Fred

This earnest, awe-struck song nails Fred, who is so easily filled with wonder at the beauty of the world, and is so conscious of his own smallness beside it -- so much the greater his consciousness of that smallness beside the God who made it all, and his wonder that such a one would care for one so small.

2. The Reckoning - Jedediah Crayes

This is a song for Jeddy's real side. The hard, truth-grounded man who has a deeper well of wisdom than anyone would ever guess. The warrior for justice who loves his work, but realizes how inadequate he ultimately is and wants to see full justice done for the oppressed, now. The man who doesn't fear death if it means to look his Ruler full in the face.

3. God of My Fathers - Berethar

I've listened to this one a lot and it never touched me particularly, but listening to it through the lens of Berethar was a different story. I was genuinely crying. It captures his tender fatherly love, his strong attachment to heritage and legacy, his lack of a real home, and his rock-stern faith all in one. Just... ow ow ow *goes to nurse my wounded heart and wonders why this salty water is squeezing out of my eyes*

4. In the Night - Douglas

Douglas, who feels things so deeply, who overthinks, who stresses, who cries out at the evil in the world, unable to comprehend why, why why do they--? and succumbs so easily to despair against their forces: this is Douglas' song.

5. The Dark Before the Dawn

I have listened to this one five times in a row before. That's how much I love this song. I don't know if this one belongs to a specific person as much as it does to the whole of Sorrow and Song. It echoes Finath's words to Douglas at the end of Path of the Tempest -- "...And in the end, will not the evil fail? That it still surrounds us only means that it is not the end yet..." It echoes Jedediah Crayes' oddly grim optimism, Mordred's hold on, Berethar's hard-held faith, and so much that I know that hasn't been written yet.

6. Invisible God - Mordred

This would just be Mordred. Walking outside one day, arrested suddenly by the incredibility of it all, and swept away into astonished, fervent, excited doxology.

*waits for my sisters to come home so we can play this game with some more songs*

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