In Which I Do the Emotion

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Almost two years ago, user nightwraith17 and I crossed paths in the comment section of a mutual Wattpad buddy's book. Then she followed me. Then she read my old writing. Then she read The Journey and everything exploded.

I don't know how to say all we've come to mean to each other. I've never met anyone who was so bent on making me succeed. Anyone who pushes me so hard to broaden my horizons and do the things I never dared. When she sent me a Facebook friend request, I freaked out, but only because she was the first Wattpad person to do so. I knew her. She knew me. We were already practically family.

Our friendship isn't sugar-surface. We've gone deep. Made mistakes. Wrestled past them because we both know our bond is too precious to let anything come between. And I'm sorry to bring my own book into this but I can't think of any better way to describe our friendship than this one quote from Fred:

"No friendship can stay on the surface forever. It is only when one is willing to speak of deeper things, and ugly things, and unpleasant things, that the friendship can grow firm and true."

I think of it often, because it's so true with so many of you amazing Wattpad peeps. And especially with Night.

In January this year, I said that this was going to be a thing. I bought a ticket in March. For six long months, we kept our secret.

And finally my plane landed in Birmingham and I flew down the hall to a waiting friend and my hat flew off, effectively slamming the brakes on my glorious entrance...

And finally my plane landed in Birmingham and I flew down the hall to a waiting friend and my hat flew off, effectively slamming the brakes on my glorious entrance

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I swear if this post gets any longer I'm going to use Night's real name by accident so bye and I promise there will be more pictures in the future

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I swear if this post gets any longer I'm going to use Night's real name by accident so bye and I promise there will be more pictures in the future.

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