Nightwraith Irritates Jeddy

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Complete the sentence: When Verity bemoans the lack of tags for her to use her characters in...

... nightwraith17 makes a tag for her.

Specifically, for Jeddy.

Let us summon the character.

Jedediah Crayes: What? What? I'm BUSY.

You always are. How busy are you?

Jedediah Crayes: Sitting with a leg up on the table in front of me, contemplating the distance between Hirdol and Orden and trying to ignore the idiotic child right next to me.

Meri: I'm NOT a child!

Ahem, Meri, I hate to say it, but you weren't invited and most of the people here don't know you. Try to stick to your meal while Jeddy and I have a chat, eh?

Jedediah Crayes: Excuse me, who is having a chat?

You and I. In the words of Nightwraith, for whom I am vicariously conducting the interview, "Hi, Jeddy. Can I call you Jeddy lad? You know we all do, anyway."

Jedediah Crayes: *growing red* And for what am I being interviewed, madam?

The Nightwraith's pleasures are its own. All that was clearly indicated is that this is an interview "specifically for the great great Jedediah Crayes".

Jedediah Crayes: I sniff sarcasm.

Yes, you're very talented. To continue, "This interview is going to dive into some serious topics. You may need Verity to help you with answering some."

Jedediah Crayes: I don't like the sound of this Nightwraith. Is it friendly?

I'll leave that to your judgment. "First thing's first. Which is cuter, babies or puppies?"

Jedediah Crayes: *mouth opens and shuts*


Jedediah Crayes: *ferociously* Both are disgusting, abominable creatures that shouldn't disgrace the face of the earth.

I should have specified that honesty is a key requirement in this interview. Please rephrase your answer.

Jedediah Crayes: Stupid question.

Ah. In that case: "Or perhaps you're more into kittens?"

Jedediah Crayes: I'M NOT INTO ANYTHING!

Try. Reach into the deep, deep recesses of your mind, and come up with a choice. You can even put it by telling me which is the least disgusting of the three, how's that?

Jedediah Crayes: Hrm. Well. Babies aren't quite as wild for the first few months.

They do spit up though.

Jedediah Crayes: *with heat* That is true. I recall a certain instance of Mordred's daughter--

But don't their little smiles just win your heart over in the next second?

Jedediah Crayes: *going very flustered red* I think it's time to drop the subject. Stupid kids. Stupid dogs. Stupid CATS.

"Enough about animals. Describe your ideal first date."

Jedediah Crayes: *eyes pop* WHAT.

Come on. Answer.

Jedediah Crayes: I'd rather meet the utilitarian end of a Sunsteri axe first.

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