Reflections on Frozen 2

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- I don't think Frozen 2 was about plot or character arcs, I think it was about character exploration. We got to really get inside the characters that Frozen only skimmed the surface of. See their hidden sides, watch them live life, know what makes them tick. Now, I'm not saying it was written purely with the intent of character exploration, but it was plainly not written for the plot. And character exploration was the end result.

- The songs enhanced the character exploration perfectly and are flatly gorgeous and singable in their own right.

- Kristoff is a dear. Change my mind.

- I walked into the theater with cold-blooded cynicism running in my veins. I still think the cynicism was justified but the thing is, I don't care anymore.

- I found the movie predictable, not a normal situation for me, who is the Queen of OblivionTM, so yeah, it was predictable, though the predictability bothered me significantly less than the non sequiturs.

*M I N O R spoiler* - The cinematography on Kristoff's song was weird but I rolled with it and it was hecking cute and heartbreaking to watch him chasing after Anna's shadow, okay?

- Most of the movie was me going, "Yeah this doesn't work but I'm going to roll with it because character exploration + songs"

- Frozen had the more cohesive plot, and you couldn't get the real benefit of 2 without Frozen. Seriously (you can disagree; I don't care and I won't argue with you), on its own 2 would collapse. But with Frozen behind it, it can deepen your appreciation of the characters to depths you wouldn't believe. And I have never listened to the Frozen soundtrack on a cycle of 30 times in one night (okay, I wasn't counting, but...)

- Honestly, everyone talks about how lovely the songs are, and that's of course true, but I appreciate how well they carry and guide the character development -- filling in seamlessly where the plot fails.

- Whoever says that kids won't "get" the emotional themes of this movie, please see me after class.

I was going to do a section with spoiler-related reflections, but I waited too long and I don't have the time/mental energy to remember everything I was going to talk about.

Wrapup: If you're watching this for the story/plot, you will find a lot to criticize about it. Nobody can blame you. But if you're willing to watch it for the characters, there's a lot to be gained. I had mixed feelings on this movie, but I loved it enough that the lasting emotions are those of affection.

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