Nightwraith Wins Somehow

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Night tagged me for this absurd tag that I had zero interest in doing (okay maybe that's a lie I had 0.01% interest in maybe 1-2 questions)

And I still haven't done the homeschool career post that I promised her months ago so haha what gives here we are

Describe myself in three words:

Emotionally exhausted cook.

Something everyone else loves that I find overrated:

Dragons. Yes, dragons are cool but I'm just a liTtLe tired of people obsessing over them anywhere everywhere 24/7.

Home in the beach or mountains?

Mountains, duh, why is this a question. *hugs Orden a.k.a. Michigan but with mountains*

What kind of things really make you laugh?

Talking about pats with GerithorDunedain and Illeandir

Jump into a pool full of...

... water? I'm not imaginative.

If I could be any fictional character

I already fully live the lives of fictional characters through books. Why would I need to be any of them?

Crushed on an animated character?

Closest would be Woody and it's not a crush.

Worst lie I ever told my parents:

Undercover deceit was more my style as a kid. I have never been a good outright liar and I hope I never become one.

Habit I'm proudest of breaking:

No clue and I'm not going to waste 30 minutes or even 30 seconds trying to think of one. I'm not a great habit-breaker.

Sexiest animal:

Can I summon Berethar to see this question because he would have a royal fit in my stead

Am I naughty or nice?

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." - Romans 3:23

Yes, I was waiting with just a little too much relish for that question.

Favorite joke:

Once and for all. I do not spend my life thinking of favorites. Favorite ANYTHING, much less favorite JOKE. I do not think of myself as a snobbish person when it comes to humor. I will laugh at anything and everything, and I don't remember most of what I laugh at, much less rank it.

Weirdest nickname:

"Verity, Verity, I say unto thee."




Take your pick.

What would be better if I could change the color?

My room.

Is double texting a big deal?

What the flip flapping crackerjack is double texting

If my life was a movie, what would it be called?

Hermitage in the Basement: The Paradox of an Extroverted Writer

Last concert I went to:


What do I wish I was really good at?

Not procrastinating.

What kind of dog would I be?

I hate this question because I don't want to be anything but me. If I had a dog it would be either a Sheltie or a cocker spaniel.

Most spontaneous thing I've ever done

Don't know, don't care. My spontaneous actions tend to end in embarrassment for me so I don't do spontaneous.

Go back in time or visit the future:

I literally do not care enough to have an opinion.

Last show I binge-watched:

Ha! I don't binge-watch shows (or even watch them as a rule...)

Favorite item of clothing:

My soft wooly sweater that I left in the city two weeks ago.

What animal would I be?

I'm so done.


I had fun being abnormal levels of salty on this tag

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