My Character And I

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Tag by the one and only nightwraith17

I want to do this with my Derek boi so here we are.

What frustrates you the most?

Derek can absolutely not stand having his hands tied. When he's in danger, that's one thing. He'll spit in the face of danger (or more likely laugh in it) and breeze through with his devil-may-care attitude. But as long as he can do something about it, he's fine. When all outlets are closed, that's when the frustration starts to build in him, like a simmering volcano. It'll drive him crazy, and the more it torments him, the more desperate he'll get, until he's finally a desperado. He'll do anything to release that pent-up frustration. Options that were once a "no" become a "yes".

This is... obviously not a good state of affairs.


For me, it'd be things interfering with my expectations. That, and people who act superior to entire demographics of other people.

What is the one thing you wanted or want more strongly than anything else in your life?

Derek wants high adventure with nice solid, well-defined stakes. That's literally all he wants in life. As long as he has a purpose to pursue, and lots of free space to do it in (no mentors breathing down HIS neck, please and thank you), he's cool with life. He spent his early adulthood working as a mail courier, and then switched to the Legean Association. Handy when your dad happens to be the senior member's best friend.

Jedediah Crayes: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is acquaintance.

Where did you come from?? *shoos Jeddy back into the CharacterVoidTM*


Okay, what do/did I want? I have a whole lot more wants than Derek, so let me see if I can pin anything down.



Yeah, I'm having trouble coming up with just one thing. Also I did just come up with one thing but it feels a little personal so I'm not going to air it right now.

Bye-bye question.

If you could do ANYTHING as a job...

Derek: What does she mean, "pretending that pay and benefits aren't important"? Of course they're not.

Easy for the mega-skillz hunter/trapper who lives his life on free-range territory to say.

Derek is living his dream job and try as I might I don't think he could be happier. He definitely wouldn't be able to find the same level of fulfillment in this world, although I could see him going in for being a park ranger or something like that.


Me, I've got it all figured out. I want to be an author, a part-time librarian, and a volunteer babysitter for my friend's kids while I remain single. And if I'm honest, the single twenties are looking like a really great time. I can go places and do things and work and write and live life, and then if I meet some awesome guy we can hook up and bring BABIESSSSSSS into the mix and I can babysit MY babies instead of my friend's babies and watch my author career evaporate for the next thirty years and wave goodbye to the library job for a while and why yes I think motherhood is the greatest thing in the world, anything else you needed to know?

If you had to have kids, how many would you want, and what would be your limit?

Derek: *chokes on water*

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