Reflections on the Stomach Bug

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O thou the stomach bug, of all common afflictions the one most abhorred and dreaded...

- It is agony to be both hungry and thirsty, yet unable to eat or drink for fear of vomiting it up.

- Compound this with a fever and severe body aches and the torture is complete.

- Nothing like worrying about death from severe dehydration after the relative of someone you knew died from too much vomiting and inability to keep fluids down.

- Have I mentioned how absolutely no position is comfortable?

- Music really does help. Somewhat.

- I feel a strange kinship with Mordred when I'm sick. It makes the discomfort slightly more bearable.

- The passage of time feels distorted...

- It gets really bad when you can't tell whether your nausea is from stomach ailment or pure hunger.

- from a survivor who is gradually recuperating. Thank you for your time.

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